The reason your thyroid no longer gives a crap about your complaints is because it no longer hears you, no longer responds to you and can no longer pick your ass up off the couch and do the work you need it to anymore…you have annihilated it.

After years of yo-yo dieting, drinking Slimfast or doing blender diets, taking diet pills, getting poor sleep, not exercising, falling asleep to the TV, taking no supplements or the cheapest ones possible that have simply bogged down your liver and are now interfering with your endocrine system, you stress about the smallest most insignificant things, make everyone else’s problem your own, don’t have enough sex, eat within 3 hours of going to bed, you go to bed past 10/1030pm at night, enjoy more than 1 cup of coffee daily, you still drink cows milk and eat loads of wheat, sugar and GMO food, you take medication and get vaccines regularly, you have trouble finding true joy in your life and have about as much energy and feel about as amorous as a piece of wood.

Describe anyone you know???

I get it. You feel to overwhelmed with your schedule or too stressed out. You feel like every time you make an effort you never see results. You don’t think you have the money to exercise or eat healthy.

Well, guess what? Suck it up! Stop making every friggin excuse in the book why you CAN’T and start to shift that energy and change your language as to why you CAN and more importantly why you NEED to!

Your feeling overwhelmed? Sit down and look at your schedule. How much are you committed to? Why? Do you ‘need’ to be doing all of these things? How may activities are your kids involved in? Do they need to be doing this many things? (how do you think their bodies are coping) Have you sat down and asked them what they want to do? How many things in your life are you simply saying yes to because you don’t think you have a choice? Really?! Who is in charge of your life, your joy?

I have to do the above in my world often…like once every couple of months or I get terribly out of balance. It’s very easy to say yes to everything that looks great or sounds ‘important;, but how many of them are necessities to a better more balanced you?

When it comes to exercise and eating right you have done everything and put in tons of effort and see no results? Really? Do you, have you? You have tried EVERYTHING and nothing has worked. OR have you tried tons of everything for a few days or maybe a week and nothing has worked? Huge difference.

Here is my general rule: If you are in your 20’s give yourself 2 solid months of commitment before you complain that nothing is happening. If you are in your 30’s give yourself 3 solid months, in your 40’s you guessed it – give me 4 solid months. when you are in your 50’s+ this is now a daily routine we are creating for longevity. By this age you all should be moving at least 30 minutes 5 or more days per week.

You don’t think you can afford to exercise? Last time I checked, walking, jogging, squatting, push ups, lunges, triceps dips, plank, crunches and biking were all free.

Eating healthy is too expensive for me! We purchase all whole foods, a big majority of them are organic and non-GMO, I shop 2 x per week; 1x for the whole shebang and 1x more for extra produce and my grocery bills are far less than most of my friends, colleagues and family members. How is that possible you ask? I PLAN. I create a meal plan, I shop based solely on that meal plan and I make meals that will serve for 2 meals, I get very creative and we eat smaller portions. We until we are satisfied and content not until we are full. The result; we are all maintaining healthy body weights, energy levels, sleep patterns (Sam is a work in progress) and we’re not passing out on the couch for a nap or losing our mind with low blood-sugar.

More importantly when I look at my children it teaches me a ton and keeps me motivated. Emerson, my 6-year-old daughter is a fabulous eater but LOVES her sweets, if I let her she would have a treat every hour of the day. But, I don’t and she knows it. She is beginning to recognize when she eats treats or has special occasions that it taste great but she feels crummy after. Sam my 4-year-old son, becomes hell on wheels if he has sugar. He will then tell me that his treat made him crazy and sad LOL.

Do you know what your thyroid is actually responsible for?

Well, it performs a ton of different activities: it helps control the amount of oxygen each cell uses, the rate at which you burn calories, your heart rate, your body temperature, your fertility, your digestion, your memory, your sex drive, your energy, your mood. (Basically, the whole deal.)

When your thyroid gets out of whack, either too high or too low, chemical and hormonal reactions throughout your whole body get thrown off. An under active thyroid is like death to your metabolism and you will watch in frustration at the weight keeps packing on.

So what can you do?

  • Toss the junk! anything that is processed, refined, has white sugar, hydrogenated oil, high fructose corn syrup, msg, autolysed, hydrolysed, stop drinking cow’s milk and switch to milk alternatives such as almond, coconut, hemp, flax or rice
  • No SOY!!!
  • Cook your goitrogenic cruciferous foods such s broccoli, cauliflower etc. (ps do not tell me you have under active thyroid because you have eaten too many veggies, come on people)
  • Eat within 1 hour of waking
  • Eat every 3-4 hours, smaller balanced meals made up of real food; carb, protein, fat at each meal
  • Drink 2 litters of water daily. Stop using plastics bottles, they are fucking up your thyroid! choose glass or stainless steel.
  • Drink no more than one cup of coffee or black tea daily. choose herbal teas.
  • Stop eating within 3 hours of going to bed.
  • Sleep in as little clothes as possible to keep your core body temp down at night.
  • Sleep in complete darkness and turn the lights and TV and iPhones and computers off by 10/1030pm. Best sleep is 1030pm – 6-630am.
  • Exercise for 30-60 minutes 5-6 days per week: Strength Train 2xweekly Yoga 2xweekly Cardio 2xweekly
  • Throw out all of your cosmetics, body products and regular feminine products that are laden with chemicals. Parabens, sodium laureate sulfate, PEG 70, perfumes, dyes etc. Bath and Body Works, The Body Shop, Aveeno; any commercial products you are buying are a pure chemical shit storm and are MASSIVELY affecting not only your thyroid but EVERY SINGLE CELL in your body. I cannot stress this enough.
  • Mom’s get your children off these products. Do you want them to ever have to feel how you are right now?
  • Switch to iodized salt
  • Add vitamin D 5000 iu, Omega 3 fatty acids, a complete B complex with extra Vitamin B12 2o00 mcg in a sublingual form, Selenium, Zinc and your probiotics daily.
  • Additional supplements and/or herbs may be recommended based on a personal consultation with a qualified practitioner.
  • Consult your family doctor or better yet a Naturopathic doctor to get your levels tested properly. Western medicine measures that anything about 5.2-5.5 is worrisome. In the holistic medicine world we get alarmed if see anything at 2.0 or above. The goal is to discover when the thyroid is functioning sub-optimally not ‘dead’.
  • If you need medication discuss this with a Naturopath as there may be ways to use bio-identical medication to help you too.

I can at times come across harsh, to the point and with little sympathy. I don’t have sympathy for you I have HOPE for you!

I have been at this long enough to know that you are a) hard-pressed for time, you want the info and the plan now and b) sweet, gentle talk accomplishes one thing – the chance for your to come up with more excuses.

Stay tuned for more fabulous tips, tools and no-nonsense approaches to getting your body back in my new book later this Fall!

Jenn xoxo