We know -- taking care of your body & health can get expensive.
So we connected with some of my favourite companies and brands to hook you up with some seriously awesome discounts...

- EVERSIO WELLENSS -- Visit eversiowellness.com and use the code JENNPIKE15 to save 15% off your order
- WITHINUS -- Visit withinus.ca and use the code JENNPIKE20 for a limited time to save 20% off your order.
- ST. FRANCIS HERB FARM -- Visit stfrancisherbfarm.com and save 15% off using the code JENNPIKE15
- SKIN ESSENCE -- Save 20% off of your first order at skinessence.ca when you use the code >> JENNPIKE20 and 10% off any order after that with the code JENNPIKE10
- ORION RED LIGHT THERAPY -- Order from orionrlt.ca and use the code JENNPIKE10 to save 10% off your order
- VITRACT STOOL TEST -- Save $10 CAD off your Stool Test with the code JENN10 over at vitract.com
- GOOD JUJU -- Save 10% off of your order at hellogoodjuju.com when you use the code >> JENNPIKE10
- HELLO JOYOUS SKINCARE - Save 10% off of clean skin, hair and beauty products over at hellojoyous.com/jennpike with the code JENNPIKE10
- LMNT Electrolyte Powder - Order using this link here and get 8-10 BONUS sample packs with your order
- GENUINE HEALTH -- Order directly from genuinehealth.com and save 20% off with the code >> GHJENNPIKE20
- HEALTH NUT SHOP -- Save 15% off of your order at healthnutshop.com with the code >> PIKE15
- HAPPY NATURALS -- Save 10% off your order at happynaturalproducts.com with the code JENNPIKE10 -- this is where I get my facial rollers + gua sha
Please note: Some links may be affiliate links. We only choose to affiliate with companies where I have personally tried the product and can stand behind them in both quality and integrity.