Ep #62 | Your Number One Health Ally: Sleep with Dr. Leigha Saunders, ND

Dr. Leigha Saunders, ND is the founder of True Roots Health Care in Uxbridge and today’s conversation is dedicated to talking about sleep, emphasizing the reasons why sleep is so important and how it can impact our health and our hormones when we are not getting enough of it.
Dr. Leigha is a naturopathic doctor who recurrently sees in her practice that most health issues have their roots in nutritional deficiencies and chronic stress, and when these two aspects are corrected, the body recovers its natural ability to heal and turn into a more vibrant state.
Dr. Leigha has come to realize there are 4 fundamental principles to putting your health first and these are sleep, movement, nutrition, and mindset, she will dive deep into these four aspects and give practical and actionable advice for you to start changing your sleep habits to improve your overall health.
Here are some of the main topics addressed in this amazing conversation:
- Definition of perimenopause.
- Transition from perimenopause to menopause.
- 4 principles to putting your health first: sleep, movement, nutrition, and mindset.
- Simple steps to care of your sleep environment (temperature, sound, light, order).
- Sleeping is very rarely a solo event.
- How blue lights affect our sleep.
- Blood sugar and cortisol levels during the day affect your sleep at night.
- How does caffeine work in our bodies?
- When to stop eating before sleep?
- Supplements and essential oils to use for a better sleep.
- The importance of being assessed individually.
Hoping you learned as much as I did about the vital importance of good quality sleep for health and healing. Wishing more simplicity and ease in all that you do!
You can connect to this episode on iTunes, Spotify or Stitcher by searching The Simplicity Sessions, or visiting www.jennpike.com/podcast.
Learn more about Dr. Leigha Saunders ND :
Visit Dr. Leigha Saunders website
Dr. Leigha Saunders ND on Instagram
Dr. Leigha Saunders ND on Facebook
Email Dr. Leigha Saunders at drleigha@truerootshealthcare.com
Dr. Leigha Saunders is a naturopathic doctor and the owner and founder of Uxbridge, Ontario’s premier wellness clinic, True Roots Healthcare. She maintains a private practice with a special interest in helping busy women gain energy, balance their mood, regulate hormones and sleep deep, particularly through perimenopause. She is a graduate of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, holds general, IVIT and therapeutic prescribing certification with the College of Naturopaths of Ontario and is a member of the Ontario and Canadian Associations of Naturopathic Doctors. Dr. Leigha believes that when you have your health, you have everything.
After 6 years in practice, Dr. Leigha has come to realize there are 4 fundamental principles to putting your health first – sleep, movement, nutrition, and mindset. It’s not fancy, but it’s incredibly powerful.
She sees women struggling to integrate and maintain these things in their day to day life. In this Masterclass, Dr. Leigha will take you through how to put yourself and your health first to gain energy, balance your mood, regulate hormones and sleep deep!
You can sign up for Dr. Leigha free Health First Masterclass by visiting http://www.leighasaundersnd.com/healthfirst
Ready to start sleeping better tonight? Grab Dr. Leigha’s top 7 tips for a better night’s sleep here: https://leighasaundersnd.activehosted.com/f/3
Online working with Jenn:
To register for my signature program The Hormone Project and work with me 1:1 to support your health, hormones and more, please join the waitlist at www.jennpike.com/thehormoneproject
The Synced Program is now available for registration, learn how to tune your body to the lunar cycle, and acquire a multidisciplinary approach to balance your body in less than 30 minutes a day!
Learn more about our amazing sponsors
The holiday season brings a lot of joy as well as stress, anxiety, overwhelm and often lack of proper sleep, for all these ValeriCalm from Saint Francis Herb Farm is my go-to first aid! It helps to reduce anxiety during the day but using it at night can also do good for people that can feel physically exhausted but whose brains don’t stop! Create a more simple life with Saint Francis Herb Farm products, You can order through Pure Feast, use the promo code JENNPIKE and save 10% off all of your purchases.
If you wake up in the middle of the night, you need to ask yourself if your blood sugar is stable throughout the day. If it isn’t, then this might be the reason why your sleep is interrupted at night. To balance your blood sugar levels, have raw nuts and seeds with you at all times and a Genuine Health Vegan Fermented Protein Bar, my favorite flavor is the dark chocolate almond! Order any product at Genuine Health use the promo code JENNPIKE and save 10% off all of your purchases.
Learn more about Jenn’s work:
Ignite your Life with Jenn Pike
The Hormone Project
The Simplicity Project Shop for books, DVDs, programs and much more!
“Do what you love and love what you do.”
“If you are not sleeping you cannot heal and restore.”
“How you sleep at night is created by what you do during the day.”
“It takes 12 hours to metabolize a cup of coffee.”
“Your body and brain drives on routine.”
Additional Information About Jenn:
Jenn studied and graduated with honors in Human Anatomy and Physiology with such a passion that it propelled her to continue her education over many years. Jenn is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Medical Exercise Specialist, Registered Yoga Instructor and Faculty of the Toronto Yoga Conference, Pre & Post Natal Yoga Expert, STOTT Pilates trained instructor, Twist Sport Conditioning Coach, Spin Instructor Crossfit Level 1 Coaching, among other certifications she got along the way. She is also a guest Holistic Expert for Breakfast Television, Global, CHCH, Rogers Tv and writes columns for STRONG Fitness Magazine, iRun magazine, Savvy Mom and contributes to Inside Fitness Magazine, The Toronto Star and Sun. She is also a proud educator and ambassador to Genuine Health, Nature’s Emporium and Juice Plus.
Jenn is a proud mama to two beautiful souls and her best teachers of life. She resides on Lake Simcoe in Keswick with her husband and two children.