Ep #36 | Cycle and Fertility Masterclass – Part 1

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This episode is a result of putting together three of my private groups, The Hormone Project, a private Facebook group and The Simplicity Project Online.
I recently ran a master class called “Cycle and Fertility” and it is a 90 minute session where I go deep in what is actually happening when we are getting our menstrual cycle, why this is the fifth vital sign of our bodies, what we need to be paying attention to and I break down the four different phases of our cycles and talk about this in relationship to the ways we are going to feel and move and our overall health and wellness.
I will do a second episode to touch base specifically about fertility, not only regarding conception but about maintaining a pregnancy.
This episode is a little longer than usual, but definitely worth to listen twice and take notes.
These are the main topics in this amazing masterclass:
- Menstrual cycle as the fifth vital sign.
- The lack of time in doctor’s appointment to truly listen to what is going on in your body.
- Putting your health before anything else.
- The pill is meant to be used as a contraceptive.
- Physical consequences from taking birth control pills..
- Cycle syncing
- Understanding the fluctuating nature of our cycles.
- Four phases of women’s cycles.
- Pay attention to your schedule.
- What is your own biological blueprint?
- Five main hormones involved in your cycle.
- When you bleed on the pill, that is not a period.
- How to do a cycle syncing when you are on the pill.
- How to tell our girls what is going on in their bodies.
- Digestion and hormones.
- The Follicular phase.
- The Ovulatory phase.
- The Luteal phase.
- The Menstrual phase.
- What to do if you do not have a cycle.
- Steps to improve your cycle syncing.
- Fix your menstrual problems
- Seed cycling.
- 7 steps of simplicity for healthier and happier cycles.
- Issues that get in the way of achieving your best health.
Hope this episode helps you to keep building your relationship and the internal talk with your body while expanding your knowledge about the phases of the menstrual cycle. Wishing more simplicity and ease in all that you do!
You can connect to this episode on iTunes, Spotify or Stitcher by searching The Simplicity Sessions, or visiting jennpike.com/episode36.
Don´t miss our incredible Women’s Health event, Ignite Your Life on June 8th 2019! You can still grab a ticket at >> jennpike.com/igniteyourlife. But the tickets won’t last long, we sell out every year. So don’t hesitate for too long 🙂
Online working with Jenn:
To register for my signature program The Hormone Project and work with me 1:1 to support your health, hormones and more, please join the waitlist at jennpike.com/thehormoneproject
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Learn more about Jenn’s work:
Ignite your Life with Jenn Pike
The Hormone Project
The Simplicity Project Shop for books, DVDs, programs and much more!
“Your hormones are chemical messengers talking to you on a daily basis, moment to moment.”
“Where you are now is a result of what has happened previously.”
“The menstrual cycle is the fifth vital sign.”
“Put your health before anything else.”
“We are using the pill as a band aid for everything.”
“The birth control pills on our gut, acts the same way as antibiotics do.”
“1 in 9 women will develop endometriosis”
“Women are cyclical as beings, this is your superpower!”
“Learn to cooperate with your body rather than fighting it.”
“When you bleed on the pill that is not a period.”
Additional Information About Jenn:
Jenn studied and graduated with honors in Human Anatomy and Physiology with such a passion that it propelled her to continue her education over many years. Jenn is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Medical Exercise Specialist, Registered Yoga Instructor and Faculty of the Toronto Yoga Conference, Pre & Post Natal Yoga Expert, STOTT Pilates trained instructor, Twist Sport Conditioning Coach, Spin Instructor Crossfit Level 1 Coaching, among other certifications she got along the way. She is also a guest Holistic Expert for Breakfast Television, Global, CHCH, Rogers Tv and writes columns for STRONG Fitness Magazine, iRun magazine, Savvy Mom and contributes to Inside Fitness Magazine, The Toronto Star and Sun. She is also a proud educator and ambassador to Genuine Health, Nature’s Emporium and Juice Plus.
Jenn is a proud mama to two beautiful souls and her best teachers of life. She resides on Lake Simcoe in Keswick with her husband and two children.