Mindset Monday’s – Why Podcasts?
My Favourite Podcasts
Podcasts have become a simplicity favourite, and an easy way to start to shift your mindset. They give you more inspiration and motivation, no matter what you’re trying to achieve. Commuting is a big part of adult life; be it a daily commute to work, travelling, or just driving around running errands, you can begin to utilize that time to think and to grow. In this episode of Mindset Mondays, I share why I swapped my music playlist for a podcast, and my top 3 favourite podcasts to listen to.
Top 3 Podcasts
- The Ultimate Health Podcast hosted by Marni Wasserman and Jesse Chappus http://ultimatehealthpodcast.
com/ - The School of Greatness hosted by Lewis Howes http://lewishowes.com/
category/podcast/ - The Sessions hosted by Sean Croxton https://itunes.
apple.com/ca/podcast/sessions- sean-croxton/id1076701919?mt=2