Have A Love Affair With Your Greens

I watch how much money people spend on kits, boxes, powders, teas and ‘potions’ in attempt to detox their bodies and rid themselves of all their dirt and toxins and I just want to shout, ‘WAIT, I have a better way!!

It may not be classified as an easier way, since you will have to actually buy real food, prepare it and chew it LOL. But…you will LOVE the results!!!

If you simply begin to add more greens to your life, your body will detox, cleanse and revitalize each and everyday in each and every cell of your body. Greens are alkalizing, help to reduce inflammation, help to create healthy functioning livers, gallbladders, kidneys, bellies and bums! They also help to promote beautiful clear skin, reduce body odour, enhance your immune system and give you energy, not to mention all of the incredible  micro nutrients; vitamins and minerals they boast PLUS they will help you LOSE WEIGHT!

Here are some tips for getting more green in your body:

Seven Simplistic Ways to Get More Greens Into Your Life

  1. Smoothies – begin adding in handfuls of organic spinach, kale and broccoli into your daily smoothies for a super charged breakfast or midday day pick me up.
  2. Salads – Build luscious raw art on your plate with bountiful greens and a beautiful array of colorful veggies, avocado, raw nuts, seeds and a zesty homemade dressing.
  3. Soups – Add handfuls or even organic bin full of greens to your soups both raw and warm.
  4. Stir Fry or Stir Free – Dark leafy greens, snap peas, celery, zucchini, green cabbage and cucumber are just some of the incredible ways to jam more greens into your meals.
  5. Sautés – a little olive oil or sesame oil, ginger, garlic and mounds of organic grees lightly sautéed with your favorites main dish or topped with veggies and goat cheese…it’s a meal from heaven!
  6. Supplements – In combination with the Superfood squad below adding in additional B vitamins, probiotics, D, healthy fats and oils will aid your body tremendously in decrease overall acidity and inflammation.
  7. The Superfood Squad! Superfoods are those that are ridiculously rich in phytonutrients (natural and unique plant properties that have disease fighting powers). These amazing phytonutrients can reduce your risk of cancer, help to decrease inflammation, arthritis, digestive conditions, strengthen your immune system and boost your overall energy, vitality and well being.


Why should you begin juicing?

1. It’s a good way to get your daily serving of fruits and veggies.

The majority of us definitely do not get our recommended 6-8 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Through juicing, you can easily get your daily intake of fruits and veggies without feeling super full.

Juicing extracts the insoluble fiber from the produce leaving just the amazing nutrients for your body to absorb! Plus, juicing is a great way to incorporate a wide variety of fruits and veggies into your diet rather than sticking to the same boring salad everyday.

2. You’ll absorb nutrient better with less digestion.

 Many of us have compromised digestion due to the poor food choices we’ve made over the years. This limits our ability to absorb all of the nutrients from the vegetables we eat.

 Juicing is a great way to get a bunch of nutrients delivered straight to your cells, super-fast, while giving your digestive system a break. Since the vegetables have been “pre-digested” through juicing, your body can absorb virtually all of the nutrients. Important micronutrients, such as digestive enzymes and certain phytonutrients, which are typically difficult to absorb, become accessible.

For any client that has a lot of gas, bloating, IBS etc I always recommend juicing as an easy and effective way for them to get more greens and veg in without the extra load on their bellies.

3. It strengthens your immune system.

Juicing provides a powerful boost to your immune system. Fresh green juice gives your body a mega dose of nutrients, meaning your immune system is instantly strengthened. Through juicing, you will have more energy, fight off colds and flu faster, and you’ll notice that your skin will have a fabulous, healthy glow.


Celery or Cucumber


Choose one or more

Kale, Collards, Dandelion, Romaine, Spinach or Cabbage


1-2 Fruits

Green apple, lemon, pear, pineapple


Broccoli stems, sprouts, ginger root,

cayenne pepper, wheatgrass & oils (add tbsp. oil after juice is complete and stir in)


Some Great  Food & Supplement Sources Are:

  • Blue Green Algae – helps to improve mental focus, clarity an energy, regenerate cells and fight free radicals head on. They are also a major source of vitamins and minerals, which can assist in keeping your blood sugars balanced.
  • Spirulina – this algae is super high in protein and chlorophyll. It taste nasty but if you can get creative with it and add to smoothies or take in a tablet form you will have one rockin’ bod from it!
  • Chlorella – This super hero, helps to balance out our ph levels and reduce acidity in your system its also very helpful in regulating the bowels, increasing your immunity and binding to heavy metals and radiation
  • Chlorophyll – If I had a dime for every time some asked me with a nasty look on their face what was in my water…I would have a lot of dimes:) I put chlorophyll in my water everyday and pretty much have for the last 12 years. It is a liquid super food that is rich in iron, helps to purify your blood, your liver, deodorizes your breath and body from the inside out and also help to regulate the bowels.
  • Green Powders – I love Genuine Health’s new product Greens +O, its organic and free of grasses like their original formula which for people who suffer from seasonal allergies was not so awesome. I use this product in between my classes to keep me acidity and free radicals down and love how convenient it is to ensure I am getting my daily dose of awesome into my body!

To purchase my new book The Simplicity Project – A Simple No-Nonsense Approach To Losing Weight & Changing Your Body Forever!


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