I love days like today.

I had a great sleep, lots of inside “work” took place overnight I could just feel it, giving me the freedom to wake up and look in the mirror and see my WHY staring back at me.

I had a great morning with my children, taught a really fantastic class, 2 fabulous meetings with people I adore and a conversation that led me here to post this status…

I received a phone call from an old personal training client of mine, from 2003!

She called me to say she has been following my journey on Facebook with my studio Simplicity Yoga & Fitness Therapy Studio , my shows and book and was wondering if she could pick my brain?

She shared with me that is planning on opening her own studio up north and asked what my best pieces of advice would be in doing this…MASSIVE question!

So I sat for a moment and thought to myself and laughed, I laughed because these past few months I have been doing a TON of personal work on defining my business model, my why, my how and my forward action – it truly never stops. I laughed because I can manifest like crazy when I am fully vibing in that direction, so OF COURSE I attracted this very question when so much of my energy is circling around and living in it.

Here is what I told her…

The first and foremost reason you should be doing anything, especially opening up a business is for LOVE. For the love of your PASSION, for the love of growth, for the love of creating a space will make you feel invigorated and keep you on your toes and for the love of your contribution back into your community building a healthier place and space to live and be.

Do you notice how I didn’t say for the LOVE of the business, for the love of book-keeping, managing, scheduling, marketing, paying hst or for the love of TONS of hard work, vulnerability like you have never felt it before, fear, anxiety, uncertainty, no guarantees and sometimes no pay???

I didn’t because if you over-attach yourself to all of that (look above) responsibility, risk, and “stuff”, most people would NEVER do it. BUT you may also miss out on your dreams, your gift and living the life you were meant to.

There is a quote that I love from Wayne Gretzky that say’s

“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”

It’s true and I love it.

now is the time
You have to love what you do and fuel your most challenging days with that love. You need to be surrounded by people who join in on your vision and goals, you need to take care of yourself – exercise, eat healthy, stay hydrated, support your nervous system and adrenals with great quality supplements and above all have some level of ritual for your soul – yoga, meditation, journal writing, walks in nature a cup of tea of fresh juice, whatever it is that fills you up – do THAT!

If there is one thing I have learned the most after being in the business of myself for 15 years and a business owner for 4 years is this ~ Change is CONSTANT!

It is about how you anticipate change and take control of it and use change to your advantage NOT wait for change and than “shoulding” all over yourself while you react to it. And believe me, I have had my days of “reacting” and crying and feeling like crap and self-doubting and “shoulding” all over myself BUT then I remind myself of my WHY and I have a day like today and I get fired up and stoked all over again.

I'm Possible
I am who I am.

I love what I do.

The best is yet to come.

Don’t fear what your dreams and risks may bring, fear how never realizing them may FEEL

Jenn xo