Pants feeling a little tight? Skin feeling dull or breaking out? Energy low? Cravings out of control?

To cleanse or not to cleanse? I think I need a detox…

WOW!!! Do I ever get asked A LOT about this subject! I have never have a one-person-fits-all, cookie cutter answer though. Everything I do in my array of holistic services truly comes down to the individual, their past, their present and their future goals. So while I can’t give you all THE plan to follow specifically for you, I can help you to narrow down and focus on what every human being should 100% avoid purchasing, preparing and consuming and what most people should begin filling their kitchens and their bodies with.

Here are a few of my simple tips to help you rid a few pounds, increase your energy and jump-start your new healthy habits and vitality regime:

  • Protein sources such as edamame, tempeh, raw nuts and seeds, chia, raw nut and seed butters, dark leafy greens, beans, lentils and hemp
  • Choose lean vegetarian protein in an attempt to reduce your exposure to excess animal proteins and arachidonic acid.
  • Onions and garlic have amazing anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties to them.
  • Eat plenty of organic produce; fruits and veggies.
  • Downsize your dishes! Start using a salad size plate instead of a dinner plate. Focus on building your plate with nutrient dense colour and nutrients instead of large portions of calories and waste.
  • Add greens to your morning smoothie and trade in cow’s dairy for either unsweetened almond, rice, flax, coconut or hemp milk
  • Take a daily probiotic
  • Begin each day with warm water and 1/2 fresh lemon juiced
  • Healthy fats daily such as raw nuts and seeds, avocados, olive oil, flax oil, hemp oil and coconut oil
  • Choose whole grains that are gluten free such as quinoa, brown rice, amaranth and millet

Avoid these foods:

  • Wheat
  • Dairy
  • Corn
  • Limit Red meat
  • Pork
  • Lunch Meats
  • Sausage
  • Bacon
  • Processed foods, sweets and baked treats
  • Artificial Colours and Sweeteners
  • Alcohol

The THREE TOP THINGS you can do to FEEL BETTER and CLEANER right now:

  1. Drink lots and lots of water – aim for 3-4 litres every single day
  2. Get your sweat on! Exercise at least 5-6 times per week combining Yoga, Pilates, Cardio, Strength Training…whatever you love GET UP and JUST DO IT!
  3. Get your beautiful self to bed. Aim to be in bed no later then 11pm. According to Chinese medicine the most beneficial time for sleep to restore our liver and gallbladder, which are two huge organs involved in cleansing and detoxing, are from 11pm – 3am.

Stay tuned over the next couple weeks as I will be releasing my BRAND NEW signature program starting in the New Year.

As always, if you have any questions send me an email or send me a personal message on Facebook @ The Simplicity Project.

Have an amazing weekend !!