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Welcome to The Audacity Sessions, our Thursday episodes of The Simplicity Sessions. The Audacity Sessions are geared towards the woman in business, who is desiring to start something new and  break free from the standard.

Today, I’m sharing the origin story, the birthplace of the Audacious Woman and how there is a season for everything. I’m sharing what I’ve learned over the past 2 decades as a woman, a practitioner & a leader.

💛Trading time for money

💛Coming face to face with my own money stories and limiting beliefs over and over again

💛Misguided decisions

💛The questions that ran through my heart and head when I wanted to create a new offer that wasn’t what others were “expecting” from me

💛When imposter syndrome creeps in

💛How I used to burn out once a season before I started embracing cyclical living

💛Hustle and grind needs to be burned to the ground for women – we just don’t know how to modulate that energy

💛Having the fluid freedom to choose

All of this and so much more… Let’s dive in.

If you have a question for me and my team, send it over to or via Instagram at @jennpike and I’ll do my best to share helpful insights, thoughts and advice.

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Interested in registering for the upcoming Audacious Women mentorship? Learn more here:

Want to join The Equilibrium Mastermind? This is an 11-day Mastermind Experience for highly attuned and aware women in business who desire to drop the energy of running their business first and enjoying their life second.

The Equilibrium of both the masculine and feminine energies in alignment with your own cyclical awareness + power is where MAGIC HAPPENS. We’re going to call out that magic inside this 11-day intensive!

It’s time you redefine your personal potential and power. Join me for The Equilibrium Mastermind

 Begins July 20th, 2022 –