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Welcome back for another bite of Simplicity. My name is Jenn Pike, your host, registered holistic nutritionist, medical exercise specialist, the best-selling author of the Simplicity Project and the creator of the women’s revolutionary health program, The Hormone Project.

In this simplicity bite, we will be discussing your hormone concerns and whether they are being dismissed.

One of my biggest concerns as a healthcare practitioner who has chosen to focus on women’s health and hormones, is that when it comes to women’s hormonal health, Our concerns, our symptoms, our issues are far too often being dismissed.

And what’s important to understand is that our intuition, that guides us, is often a direct conduit for that inner balance in your body. The way we feel when things are not right, it is literally your body communicating with you on the deepest level. And you know when something is off and this should be taken seriously, you should be taken seriously and it should be addressed in a caring and a thoughtful way.

Even with the best practitioner, their job and role is to educate you, to help support you with the tools and the resources to empower you, to guide you. But you, you are the only one that can create the power pause that can either put things into action for your health. So I want you to start to peel back. I want you to begin to take note of what is truly going on in your body. Then find the team, create your village.

This is what my team thrives off of, is helping women just like you. Not by doing it for you, but by linking arms, cutting through the BS and doing it alongside you.

So please do not hesitate to book in a call with one of our team via

Links and resources mentioned in this episode will be shared in the Online Work with Jenn section of these show notes.

Here are the main topics of this simplicity bite:

  • There isn’t always a pill for the ill
  • Attention disparity
  • Dismissal culture
  • If you are being dismissed, find another practitioner
  • Take control of your own health
  • Create your village, they are out there!

Hoping this episode supports you on the path of knowing, accepting, and loving who you truly are. Wishing more simplicity and ease in all that you do!

To book a discovery call via email or send us a question you have, send it to and myself or a member of my wonderful team will reach out to you.

You can connect to this episode on iTunes, Spotify, or Stitcher by searching The Simplicity Sessions, or visiting

Join our Free Facebook Group called The Simplicity Sessions Community

Online work with Jenn:

Register for my signature program The Hormone Project and work with me 1:1 to support your health, hormones, and more via the following link

Sign up for The Synced Program to learn how to tune your body to the lunar cycle and acquire a multidisciplinary approach to balance your body in less than 30 minutes a day!

Interested in registering for the upcoming Audacious Women program? Send us a message via our website at

Learn more about Jenn’s work:

Jenn Pike

Ignite your Life with Jenn Pike

The Hormone Project

The Simplicity Project Shop for books, DVDs, programs, and much more!

Simplicity TV on Youtube


  • If she’s not trying to conceive, she will most likely be given the run of the mill basic hematology, basic blood work. And no one is going to look any deeper.”
  • We cannot just be handing the pill out like candy and like it’s a prescription for solving every single hormonal problem because it is compounding the issues that are really going on. And that type of prescribing, in my opinion, is part of the dismissal society that is happening right now”
  • This is why ladies, if you are a woman who has been dismissed, I’m going to strongly encourage you to stand back up on those strong legs and two feet that you have got and walk yourself into a different office. Walk yourself into a different virtual setting, which is how many practitioners are functioning now until you find the person where you’re like – Everything they say, the way they describe it, how they teach that is resonating with me.”
  • You also cannot hand over the responsibility of your health to anyone else, whether this is the best practitioner, someone that you super connect with, or somebody not so much. It is actually not their job for you to get better. Their job and role is to educate you, to help support you with the tools and the resources to empower you, to guide you. But you, you are the only one that can create the power pause that can either put things into action for your health.”
  • I want you to start to peel back. I want you to begin to take note of what is truly going on in your body. Find the team, create your village. They’re out there. They’re waiting for you as much as you are waiting for them.”

Additional Information About Jenn:

Jenn studied and graduated with honors in Human Anatomy and Physiology with such a passion that it propelled her to continue her education over many years. Jenn is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Medical Exercise Specialist, Registered Yoga Instructor and Faculty of the Toronto Yoga Conference, Pre & Post Natal Yoga Expert, STOTT Pilates trained instructor, Twist Sport Conditioning Coach, Spin Instructor Crossfit Level 1 Coaching, among other certifications she got along the way. She is also a guest Holistic Expert for Breakfast Television, Global, CHCH, Rogers Tv and writes columns for STRONG Fitness Magazine, iRun magazine, Savvy Mom and contributes to Inside Fitness Magazine, The Toronto Star and Sun. She is also a proud educator and ambassador to Genuine Health, Nature’s Emporium, and Juice Plus.

Jenn is a proud mama to two beautiful souls and her best teachers of life. She resides on Lake Simcoe in Keswick with her husband and two children.