Welcome … You’ve Been Waiting!

The Simplicity Project is designed to fuel your life and transform your body from the inside out.

When you begin this food journey, don’t think of it as dieting or being on a diet. diets are temporary vehicles on the road to looking a certain way, being a certain weight or size, and measuring up to society’s image of health and beauty. diets are mainly based on calorie counting, strict portion control, deprivation, self-deprecation and are, for most people, extremely unsuccessful and painfully boring.

Instead, consider this eating plan as part of your self-renewal and self-discovery. i want you to become more educated and empowered by your food choices, to know a whole food from one that’s not, to know how to combine your foods for proper nourishment and balance, to know what to shop for and what to avoid, and to know how to make the most delicious healthy meals and snacks right at home.

Ultimately, I want you to rediscover your relationship with food so that you can sit at the table, smell, chew, savour, and enjoy your food without worrying about how it will impact your weight.

It may take some getting used to (especially if you’ve been feeding your body processed, fast foods and sugar-filled drinks), but you’ll soon appreciate and look forward to your new way of eating. You’ll be preparing and enjoying fresh, real, nutrient-dense meals. You will stop feeling like you need over-the-counter antacids or a nap after you eat, and you’ll start feeling energized and transformed by your meals.

Your cravings for high-fat, sugary foods will stop and, on the days that you do indulge, your body will provide feedback instantly, motivating you to keep on your “clean eating” path.

Your commitment to your food plan is just as important to your core transformation as the Simplicity workouts. if you only commit partially you will only see ANd feel partial results. movement and food go hand in hand.

If you stick to my suggestions you will see amazing results —inside and out. After reading The Simplicity Project and beginning your New You journey, you will have begun to learn how food can empower you instead of taking you down. You will have a much healthier relationship with food and you will find yourself making better choices about what you let pass your lips!

High five to a new you and a lifetime of healthy, lip- smacking meals.

Much love and Namaste,


For additional information on Jenn Pike and her services please follow her on twitter @simplicityjenn and Facebook under Jenn Pike and her studio Simplicity Yoga & Fitness Therapy Studio.

To purchase her book, please visit the link below
