Mastering Your Metabolism Makeover

So many of us believe that to get healthy we have to lose weight, but for many of us we can’t lose weight UNTIL we are healthy first. Through the ‘Mastering Your Metabolism Makeover’ you will optimize hormonal balance, lose unwanted fat and restore your health in the process.

I have used these approaches with many of my clients who have come to me looking for weight loss, healthier digestion, improved sleep, healthier skin, more manageable menstrual cycles and PMS, increase their energy, balance their blood sugar, reduce cravings, eliminate headaches, improve fertility and have a better understanding of what their body is trying to communicate to them.

Pre-Makeover Foundation:

Prior to beginning your Metabolism Makeover you will be going through a ‘core body assessment’ which will tell you you’re starting body fat percentage, muscle to fat ratio, help you to determine a healthy goal, we will take your measurements and calculate your waist to hip ratio. Do you need to increase your muscle mass? Are you at risk for diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis and/or obesity?

Week 1 – The Detox: Introduction to my lifestyle program and how it works. Look and feel better in just two weeks!  Begin a program to eliminate harmful toxins, strengthen your immune system, scavenge free radicals, shed excess body fat, and improve your health.

  • Week 2 – Repair and Rejuvenate: Are your sleeping habits preventing you from losing weight? Become skilled at sleeping for weight loss, appetite control, and improved health.Discover stress management techniques to optimize your hormone levels.
  • Week 3 – Finishing your Detox:  Come off your detox, get started on your Wellness action plan and discover the health tests that you should have done at your next physical exam with your doctor.
  • Week 4 – Eating for Hormonal Balance: Master healthy grocery shopping and put an end to the confusion so often associated with nutrition labels. You’ll also receive recipes, menu planning ideas and shopping lists.
  • Weeks 5 – Metabolic Optimization Training: Are you receiving the most benefit from your exercise efforts? Discover the 10 most common workout mistakes and learn more about our Metabolic Optimizing Training workout, which focuses on restoring hormonal balance to lose fat, gain strength, and improve your metabolic health. Commit to your Metabolic Makeover by attending classes 3 times per week plus a one-on-one Personal Training session with Jenn.
  • Week 6 – Putting the ‘Me’ back into Metabolism: Now that you have just finished your 6-week makeover, where do you go from here? We will create a lasting action plan to keep you moving forward in a clear direction of health, balance, strong intention and well-being. We will also schedule your post ‘core body assessment’.

Our evening group starts Thursday November 17th 7:45pm-9pm. We will meet for 5 weeks Nov 17th, Nov 24th, Dec 1st, Dec 8th and 15th. Due to the holidays weeks 5 & 6 will be combined into the evening of Dec 15th, we will meet 7:45pm-10pm.

PRE-LAUNCH DISCOUNT: For a limited time receive this 6 week program for $149! Spaces are limited 

Location: 514 Queensway South, Keswick Ontario at Simplicity Yoga & Fitness Therapy Studio 905.476.9200

This program will be available as an E-book and online in Spring of 2012!