Do you pay attention to the quality of the products you use when it comes to your period?

Some commercial tampons and pads are created using GMO cotton full of glyphosate, a known carcinogen, along with a slew of other chemicals like pesticides, fragrances, dyes, phthalates, VOC’s and preservatives that off-gas inside your vaginal and uterine lining tissue. 

These chemicals can make their way into your cells and bloodstream, increasing your risk of bacterial infections, yeast overgrowth, abnormal cell growth, painful periods, heavy bleeding, clots, fertility issues and are known endocrine disruptors. 

We are seeing more and more organic tampon brands on the market now, indicating that more women are demanding better from their period care products. There are loads of brands including Lola, Cora, Seventh Generation, Natura, etc.

If there is ONE change you are going to make for your hormonal health today please let THIS be it! Make the switch to organic tampons, or even better yet — get yourself a DivaCup

Do your research and please, please, please get your daughters and yourself OFF of commercial tampons. I know this sounds like a small change, but it’s truly massive. 

While organic tampons are a better choice, they still create waste.

The average woman uses 16,000 tampons and/or pads over her lifetime! 

1. Think of how much waste you are saving from the landfill by switching to the DivaCup.

2. Think about how much less exposure your cervix and vaginal canal will have to endocrine disrupting chemicals.

Switching to the DivaCup is a win-win. This Canadian-made company was founded by a Mother-Daughter duo, dedicating their lives to improving the menstrual care game. They created a user-friendly, environmentally responsible and reusable period product that could be easily accessible around the world.

The DivaCup is eco-friendly, cost-effective, comfortable and leak-free. Not only is it a space saver, it can save you upwards of $200 per year, depending on your flow and the disposable products you’re used to consuming. This company is committed to challenging the period status quo and encouraging real change for everyone who menstruates. 

I care about you, your hormones and your health and am committed to educating you step by step — and I know this simple switch can have a huge impact on your health.

If you want to learn more about how to support yourself, reduce PMS, and learn about the power of your female menstrual cycle (yes, it’s a super power!!) then checkout this video below, where I dive into everything about your period; how to eat, move, nourish and support yourself through each part of your cycle. 

Period health may be a question you feel embarrassed to ask your family doc about, so I made a free video series for you to learn more about it.

Watch the video below, and reach out to me on Instagram @jennpike if you have any questions! 

You can find loads of food inspiration in my cookbooks The Simplicity Kitchen and The Simplicity Body. I created them for my body, and the women I coach in The Hormone Project; women just like you.

Learn more about your cycles & rhythms with my FREE Cycle Syncing Masterclass — Gain a deeper understanding of your monthly cycle, whether you menstruate or not.

~ Jenn xoxo

P.S. You can learn more about the DivaCup and where you can purchase it by visiting their website