If the way you are currently living, feeling and BEING are no longer contributing to the awesome person you are…then do something about it, now!

It is never too soon or too late to make a shift; to create change. No matter how small the first step or slow the process, anything you do now will feel better than never having done anything at all.

Start Now. Make Your Plan.

At some point talk becomes mundane…you need to create a strategy, a Wellness-Wellbeing-Whole Living action plan.

So what’s your plan going to be? Change your eating, change your sleep habits, start exercising, better manage your stress, eliminate the toxins from your home and your food, maybe its to be more grateful for the love and the people you have in your life. Maybe its to eliminate those who are holding you back and weighing you down. It’s all part of feeling good and being well.

See Your End Point.

When you are creating your wellness plan you need to be specific. Simply stating that you want to feel better or look better won’t contribute to your shift. What does it look like, how does it feel? How do you describe to others this new being that you have become, better yet how do you describe the new you to yourself, what does your language look and sound like?

Example: I look pretty good, I exercise now, my clothes feel better and I smile more


I feel amazing, I move my body daily and it feels so incredibly strong and sexy, I actually WEAR my clothes now and walk with my head held high that I look damn good in them; I can’t help but smile even when I am driving alone because I am just so happy and proud of myself!

This is YOUR life. You can redefine it at any point. It’s all up to you. See it and see exactly what you want. Visualize and then GO GET IT!

One of the most important things you can do TODAY is start to think good thoughts. Each cell in our bodies are important and every cell interacts with the other forty trillion or so that make up who we are. If talking to forty trillion cells daily seems a bit daunting LOL, no need to worry; by simply talking positive thoughts to one cell everyday; “I am happy” or “I feel good” this will start a chain reaction between your cells. That one cell will begin to communicate with all other cells and send the message that “We are happy and feel good”.

It works!

There is a quote that I read many years ago and have transferred from journal to journal, it is from the Buddha

We are what we think “. All that we are arises with our thoughts.

With our thoughts we make the world.”

There is another quote that my first yoga teacher Theresa shared with me and I repeat as a mantra almost daily to myself and at times with my yoga students. It is this:

I am only one but I am one.

Although I cannot do everything I can do something.

I will not let the things I cannot do interfere with what I can do.

What can you DO today?

Jenn XO