This week on Simplicity TV Jenn talks about exercise and WHY to cut back on the cardio and add more strength training into your new regime.  Something a lot of women don’t know, is that the more lean muscle tissue you have on your body, the more calories your body will be burning all day long, even when it is at rest.

This goes out to all the cardio queens out there – you MUST add strength training into your practice. The only way to CHANGE the shape of your body is by adding more muscle and tone to your body. If all you do is cardio, you can actually be adding more stress to your body, sending your hormones out of whack.

Clean eating and cardio is a great start, but if have hit a plateau and are not seeing the results you want, you have to start adding weights into your training. Check out this episode of Simplicity TV where Jenn delves into some serious workout TIPS.

As always, if you have any questions, send Jenn an email or PM us on Facebook @ The Simplicity Project.

Have an amazing New Year Celebration and we will see you in 2016, with some brand new programs on the horizon! Stay tuned…