Just Say Yes

I know, it’s the holiday season so your schedule is packed solid and you might be close to losing your cool. Over the past few weeks, I’ve been sharing some tips on how make the holiday season a little less hectic…

  1. Don’t neglect your sleep – it’s your best friend during times of stress.
  2. Incorporate a prep day – prep snacks and meals for the week ahead (this day is Sunday in my house)
  3. Stay hydrated – 2-3 litres of water each day, and if you’re looking for something warm, herbal teas count towards your water intake.
  4. Continue taking your foundational 4 supplements DAILY –
  • Probiotics
  • Omega 3 fatty acids
  • Vitamin D3 (drop form)
  • Juice Plus (Juice Plus is hands down my favourite whole foods supplement and something my family and I have been taking DAILY for 11 years)

If you’ve worked with me in the past, or taken one of my online courses, you already know this, you have this part down and you’ve covered your bases. Do you still feel stressed and frazzled, like maybe you’ve taken on too much? Take a step back and just breathe. Have you said YES to too many things that you really wanted to say NO to? I came across a quote yesterday that really resonated with me.

“Give yourself permission to rest. Blowing through life will not get you a medal. Rest your head, rest your heart, rest your bones, dear Goddess.”

It reminded me of an oldie-but-goodie episode of Simplicity TV that I wanted to share with you, in case you missed it the first time.

Say YES to the things you love—say YES to yourself. We have a new year upcoming, and a new year always means there is a chance to start fresh and dream big, wild, audacious goals.

2017 is coming, are you ready?!

If you know you want to start 2017 kicking ass and feeling good, but you think you’ll need a little (or big!) nudge, I want to let you know you are not alone. I have been making some plans of my own, and they involve helping you to get on track to rejuvenate, heal, and restore your body to its most vital self.

This program is one of a kind and is going to help you HEAL. Period. If you want to hear more about this transformational program don’t miss out on next weeks LIVE webinar. Samantha and I will be sharing details about the 30 Day Transformation Program that’s kicking off January 2nd. To join this webinar, which is FREE, just click here to sign up. And take a look at what one of our participants experienced in ONLY 10 days on this program!!


With lots of love from me to you, and wishing you a little more simplicity and ease this holiday season,

– Jenn xoxo