Ep.#400 | 400 Episodes! What I am celebrating in biz, life & what I am focusing on as I turn 45 this year

This week’s episode is celebrating something pretty amazing, which is the 400th episode of this podcast. The show is going to be turning six this year!
When I first started this show, my commitment was to create a learning space for women who were eager to expand and to achieve deeper knowledge in their bodies, in their minds, their emotions, while also expanding their businesses, and growing their finances.
I really wanted to bring together this energy that I have now called The Audacious Woman, where we don’t have to live in perpetual sacrifice and always trading time for energy and time for money and time for resources.
We actually do get to choose and that it gets to be fun and it gets to be exciting, and there gets to be a lot of curiosity and dabbling and experimenting along the way, and that is part of the journey.
And so one of the quotes that I have had for many years, and it was in the first show notes on September 29 of 2018, was that our personal wellness journey is one to be enjoyed and not forced, and that we are all craving a deeper level of connection.
And I still believe this wholeheartedly to this day.
This podcast has actually been a beautiful landing place for me in terms of connection with so many of you in the community.
And so when I had posted, what should I talk about in this 400th episode? A big one that came up was my greatest and biggest lessons and integrating all the elements of health and life and motherhood and business and relationships.
So that’s what we’re diving into today! Grab your head phones and let’s do this.
Thank you for joining us today. If you could rate, review & subscribe, it would mean the world to me! While you’re at it, take a screenshot and tag me @jennpike to share on Instagram – I’ll re-share that baby out to the community & once a month I’ll be doing a draw from those re-shares and send the winner something special!
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This episode is sponsored by:
- St. Francis Herb Farm | Go to stfrancisherbfarm.com and save 15% off every order with code JENNPIKE15
- Skin Essence Organics | Go to skinessence.ca and save 15% off your first order with code JENNPIKE15 /// Save 10% off every order with code JENNPIKE10
- Eversio Wellness | Go to eversiowellness.com/discount/jennpike15 and save 15% off every order with code JENNPIKE15 /// not available for “subscribe & save” option
- Free Perimenopause Masterclass | jennpike.com/empower
- The Audacious Woman Mentorship | jennpike.com/theaudaciouswoman
- The Hormone Project Academy | jennpike.com/thehormoneproject
- Synced Program & Membership | jennpike.com/synced
- The Simplicity Women’s Wellness Clinic | jennpike.com/wellnessclinic
- The Simplicity Sessions Podcast | jennpike.com/podcast
- Facebook Community | The Simplicity Sessions Community
Connect with Jenn:
- Instagram | @jennpike
- Facebook | @thesimplicityproject
- YouTube | Simplicity TV
- Website | The Simplicity Project Inc.
Have a question? Send it over to hello@jennpike.com and I’ll do my best to share helpful insights, thoughts and advice.