Ep #16 | Curing Inflammation Without Medication with Julie Daniluk

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Women suffer with inflammation more than men do. When women are transiting menopause, the sudden drop in estrogen causes higher inflammatory responses. The fact that women need to metabolize more estrogen than men, makes them more genetically predisposed to having a more sensitive immune system. Inflammation acts different during the stages in women’s life. Young people tend to have polycystic ovarian syndrome, in these cases an ultrasound can be a great way to know more about the ovaries’ health before any treatment is implemented (avoid birth control pills as a measure to treat hormonal imbalance at all costs!)
It is also important to keep in mind that our intolerance to certain foods place one of the biggest roles in the hormonal cascade, so remember that researching and finding out which foods we don’t tolerate is crucial to our overall health. That’s why today I’m interviewing an expert on the subject of inflammation.
Julie Daniluk RHN is a leading nutritionist and the co-host of Healthy Gourmet, a reality cooking show on OWN (the Oprah Winfrey Network). For twelve years, she was a co-operative owner and the Chief in store Nutritionist for one of Canada’s largest health food stores, The Big Carrot Natural Food Market.
In this episode, Julie shares her knowledge about inflammation and how to reverse inflammatory conditions. Julie cured herself from what started as an E-coli infection she contracted in Asia, that kept progressing until she decided she needed to take the matter in her own hands.
She developed a list of foods that made her feel horrible, that ended up as a 15 pages document that Julie shared with friends and later became the foundation of her book Meals That Heal Inflammation.
How can we devise a realistic approach to removing these inflammatory triggers in our body?
Start a food journal before beginning an elimination protocol. Learn about what you are eating and start adding foods that have macronutrients, as well as doubling up essential fatty acids, and get ready to feel amazing results in your hormonal balance within a month or two.
How do we reduce autoimmunity?
When you suffer from leaky gut (hyperpermeability of the gut) there is a high autoimmune response from your body. To help digestion Mandarin Skin Plus is a great ally and is a key tool to reduce autoimmunity. Also, you should add probiotics to your diet, but be very careful of highly fermented foods (like kombucha) that bring in a lot of histamine and sugar cane.
Favourite superfoods
- Artichokes: Every single part of the artichoke has its own super power!
- Arugula: Shifts hormones while reducing inflammation, and assists your liver in metabolizing estrogen correctly.
- Burdock: Is a profound blood, lymphatic and liver cleanser that also helps eliminate toxins.
- Cherries and Pomegranates: Have them for better fertility and anti-inflammatory effect.
- Add raw cacao to your diet (not sugar filled commercial chocolate!).
Never give up! Miracles are real! Become your own body detector and regain your health.
For a live experience with Jenn:
Please contact Nature’s Emporium Newmarket directly via info@naturesemporium.com or 905-898-1844 to register for the LIVE Simplicity Project course that begins January 23rd 2019.
Online working with Jenn:
To register for my signature program The Hormone Project and work with me 1:1 to support your health, hormones and more, learn more HERE
The next round of The Hormone Project begins January 21st 2019.
Learn more about Jenn’s work:
The Hormone Project
The Simplicity Project Shop for books, DVDs, programs and much more!
“There is a massive connection between women and inflammation.”
“Heart attacks are more deadly for women.”
“When women start hormone replace therapy, the blood clots faster.”
“Women are three times more susceptible to contract osteoarthritis.“
“Women are twice more likely to suffer from anxiety than men due to profund fluctuating hormones.”
“If you feel really tired and disregarded anemia, you need to check the status of your thyroid antibodies.”
“The healthiest foods can be the biggest irritants to certain bodies and, remember that you can develop an intolerance to any food in any stage in your life.”
Get in touch with Julie
Sign up to Julie’s 3-Day warm cleanse HERE
Instagram: @juliedaniluk
Facebook: @juliedaniluknutrition
Additional Information About Jenn:
Jenn studied and graduated with honors in Human Anatomy and Physiology with such a passion that it propelled her to continue her education over many years. Jenn is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Medical Exercise Specialist, Registered Yoga Instructor and Faculty of the Toronto Yoga Conference, Pre & Post Natal Yoga Expert, STOTT Pilates trained instructor, Twist Sport Conditioning Coach, Spin Instructor Crossfit Level 1 Coaching, among other certifications she got along the way. She is also a guest Holistic Expert for Breakfast Television, Global, CHCH, Rogers Tv and writes columns for STRONG Fitness Magazine, iRun magazine, Savvy Mom and contributes to Inside Fitness Magazine, The Toronto Star and Sun. She is also a proud educator and ambassador to Genuine Health, Nature’s Emporium and Juice Plus.
Jenn is a proud mama to two beautiful souls and her best teachers of life. She resides on Lake Simcoe in Keswick with her husband and two children.