Last week we talked about sleep and how to catch some better ZZZ’s. If you missed Jenn’s most recent article in Strong Fitness Magazine, check it out here. This week we also want to share Jenn’s most recent spot on Global News talking about autumn sleep patterns, and how they can be affected by daylight savings. This spot offers tips and tools you can use for you (and your fam) to finally get you that deep sleep you crave! We have lost an hour of sunlight, and for a few of us that subtle difference can make or break our sleep/wake cycle, especially if you are a Mom and running low on sleep as it is! Check out the spot here.

Exciting things are on the horizon with The Simplicity Project, and weeks ago we touched on the new evergreen signature program created by Jenn. This upcoming program, which is done online, can be taken at your own pace from the comfort of your home. You will learn how to create the body and holistic lifestyle you have always wanted with simplicity and ease. You can look forward to:

  • More ENERGY
  • Better DIGESTION
  • Balanced HORMONES
  • Weight LOSS
  • Improved SLEEP
  • Increased SEX DRIVE
  • Improved SKIN
  • Stable MOOD and BLOOD SUGAR

Stay tuned for more information coming up over how to sign up for this evergreen program which will be ON SALE this coming November and December, to prep you for the coming holiday season. If you would like to book one-on-one consultations, please contact Jenn or visit us on Facebook @ The Simplicity Project.

Cut the B.S Fit Tip of the Day

While the amount of time you train is important, so too are the types of exercises that you choose. I am a huge fan of functional strength training. You should perform roughly eight to ten exercises per workout, moving quickly from one to the next with very little rest between sets. Do as many as you can with good form. Start simply with things you can do at home for FREE: squats, lunges, push-ups done in proper form will all count towards your strength training, as you are using your own body weight. ​

A brand new episode of Simplicity TV will be released next week, so stay tuned…

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