We are currently in the stages of producing a whole new batch of episodes of Simplicity TV for you to learn from and enjoy. Today we wanted to share with you one of Jenn’s most recent spots on Breakfast Television, all about tools to help you beat the winter blues and keep your energy up.


Here are 5 things you can add into your every day to help to keep your mood boosted:

  1. Eat healthy fats: Your brain loves fat! In fact, fat makes up over 70% of your brain. Healthy fats are used for the production of many hormones and neuro-chemicals, and play a key role in decreasing inflammation and LDL cholesterol levels. Healthy fat sources, include: fish (salmon, mackerel, herring, anchovies) avocados, nuts and seeds (chia, flax, hemp), olive oil, ghee, and coconut oil. Coconut oil is a very special kind of fat that can be used as a direct source of energy for the cells, making this fat easy to burn off. This oil contains keytones, a secondary source of energy that your brain can use as fuel. This is key for conditions such as Alzheimer’s, which has recently been coined as ‘diabetes of the mind’.
  2. Probiotics: Renowned psychiatrist Dr. Kelly Brogan and other like-minded women’s health experts have begun prescribing a whole-foods diet, rich in probiotics to help people with anxiety, depression and other mental illness. A high quality probiotic supplement is recommended to all to help keep your immune system boosted. Increasing fermented foods in your diet that are naturally rich in friendly gut bacteria is a good start. Include: kombucha tea, kefir, sauerkraut, tempeh, and warming miso soup.
  3. Vitamin D: This fat-soluble vitamin is critical for optimal immune function. Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with mental illness as well as a decrease in cognitive function. In Canada, supplementing during the winter months is an absolute necessity to maintaining a healthy immune and nervous system function. 1000-4000 IU per day is recommended.
  4. Exercise – Get moving! Exercise and movement is the best way to boost your mood, because after a workout, your body releases “feel good” chemicals, and your body will feel the effects for up to several hours after a workout. Try a morning yoga practice, a walk with your dog or a friend/loved one, or incorporate some squats, lunges, and planks into your morning routine. If you can only make time for 15 minutes of movement in the morning, then so be it. You have to start somewhere! The point is to get your blood flowing and your internal fire activated.
  5. Neurapas Balance – This all-natural tablet can be used to promote a healthy and balanced mood. It will help you drop your shoulders, and truly be able to relax. It is a mix of St. John’s Wort, Passionflower and Valerian Root.

Want 3 more tips for staying sharp? Check out our Mental Health BLOG to read the full article. 

Disclaimer: The information contained is intended to be used for general health care information purposes only, and should not be considered complete or used in place of a visit, call, consultation or advice from a physician and/or healthcare provider. Individuals are encouraged to contact their own private physician or healthcare provider regarding continuation or changes in their symptoms.