Ep. #149 | Resiliency Mindset with Tommy Caldwell

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Welcome back to The Simplicity Sessions, I’m delighted that you’ve joined us today. My name is Jenn Pike, your host, registered holistic nutritionist, medical exercise specialist, the best-selling author of the Simplicity Project and the creator of the women’s revolutionary health program, The Hormone Project.
This is a conversation with Fitness industry leader, Tommy Caldwell, best-selling author of Heavy Brain and creator of the MetFlex-Rx Diet. He is also the founder of Hybrid Fitness – Canada’s largest independent fitness facility.
Tommy is here today to talk to us about the struggles we all face to meet our health, fitness, and performance goals and delve into understanding what motivates our actions and inactions. He will share with us resiliency strategies built from proven techniques of discipline and mindset, as well as resources to support each of us on our journey.
As a performance coach with a specialization in habit and behavior change for fitness, Tommy has worked with thousands of clients, over the past decade, helping them to bridge that gap between their intention and the action to reach those elusive health and fitness goals.
You can find links to Tommy Caldwell’s multi platform publishings, as well as social / websites at the bottom of the show notes. You will also find linked info about our partners and recommended products to try.
If you have a question for me and my team, send it on over to hello@jennpike.com or via Instagram at @jennpike and I’ll do my best to share helpful insights, thoughts and advice.
Here are the main topics of today’s episode:
- Introducing our guest, Tommy Caldwell
- Jenn’s seasonal recommendations
- Understanding our motivations for both action and inaction
- Emotional sensitivities
- Building a resiliency mindset
- The cyclical nature of reactive responses
- What’s done is done. What are you going to do now?
- Underlying emotions
- Changing the environment where the behaviour lives
- Resources
Connect with us –
Thank you for joining us today. If you could do me the honor of hitting the subscribe button, leaving a review and sharing this podcast with a friend or on social media tagging me when you do @thesimplicityproject on Facebook, @jennpike on Instagram, @simplicityjenn on Twitter, I would be forever grateful.
Follow Tommy on Instagram @tcfitnessmentor and Twitter @hybridtraining
To connect with Tommy Caldwell and find direct links to read and/or listen to his books, Heavy Brain and MetFlex-Rx Diet. go to his website https://tommycaldwell.net
To access his Podcasts, The Fitness Mentor Podcast and The Beyond Your Body Podcast, follow this link https://tommycaldwell.net/podcasts/
You can connect to this episode on iTunes, Spotify, or Stitcher by searching The Simplicity Sessions, or visiting www.jennpike.com/podcast.
Join our growing community via Facebook The Simplicity Sessions Community.
Online work with Jenn:
Register for my signature program The Hormone Project and work with me 1:1 to support your health, hormones, and more via the following link www.jennpike.com/thehormoneproject.
Sign up for The Synced Program to learn how to tune your body to the lunar cycle and acquire a multidisciplinary approach to balance your body in less than 30 minutes a day!
Interested in registering for the upcoming Audacious Women program? Send us a message via our website at https://jennpike.com/contact/
To learn more about the products mentioned in this episode, visit the link i’ve shared on my Instagram @jennpike. There you can discover where you can purchase these products and how you can start to make them part of your everyday simplicity approach.
Learn more about the products I recommend and some of our amazing partners
- Saint Francis Herb Farm Allergy Relief with Deep Immune provides symptom relief plus addresses the underlying cause of an overactive immune system without drowsiness or dryness side-effects.You can use the code JENNPIKE15 at check out and save 15% off your order.
- Skin Essence is Canadian-founded, organic, non-GMO, not animal-tested- this company is one that we love and have around the house.The E-cream is a delicately balanced skin balm that contains a wide variety of plant extracts which offer excellent calming, soothing and anti-inflammatory benefits. E-Cream is ideal for helping to soothe and reduce the effects of eczema, redness, sun burns, insect bites, and dry/itchy skin. If it’s your first time ordering from Skin Essence, use my code JENNPIKE20 for 20% off. Use code JENNPIKE15 at check out and save 15% off your order for every order after that.
- GoodJuju make all-natural, plastic-free home & body products that are good for you, and good for the planet. Use code JENNPIKE at check out and save 10% off your first order
- “I started down the road of understanding. The emotional, psychological connection between a person, what a person wants to do and what a person is able to do and learning why it’s so difficult for someone to bridge that gap, because everyone knows what unhealthy eating looks like in their own life.”
- “ In my opinion, I think there’s too much information. So for the average individual, you don’t know how to discern what you actually need or how to then apply it into your life.”
- “If you can be resilient and stay positive. And just when you slip and fall, just pick yourself back up and go, okay, that happened. And this is why it happened. And it’s not the end of the world. And I’m just going to pick myself back up tomorrow. That person is eventually going to succeed, whether it’s six months, one year, five years, but managing that mindset is the trick.”
- “The more reactive you are, the less time you give yourself to assess what’s going on, what you’re feeling and how you should react. Just asking simple questions.”
- That is the best opportunity to stop and be curious because what’s done is done. There’s no point in holding it against yourself. What you need to do is now reflect on that moment, in that situation in a positive way. So you can actually get something out of it in the future. And that’s just what I tell people what’s done is done. Get something out of it. So what was it, what was the chain of events that led to that consequential behavior?”
- “Pick little things you can change and manage that give you a feeling of self control, that gives you the psychological reward of – I’ve identified the problem, I’ve picked how I’m going to manage it and I’m just baby-stepping. So I just made a little augmentation to my routine and I can do this consistently. And once you can prove to yourself that you can make those little changes for a few weeks. Now, you can make the next change.”
- “We’ve had to step into a place of radical resiliency on many levels, right? Like in our, in the economy, in work and finance and our relationships, all of it. I think actually the one area that we really, we could have used the most help in this year, which is the understanding of our health and how to be healthy”
- “Changing the environment where the behavior usually lives. And if it’s on the couch in front of the TV, go for a walk for 20 minutes or do some yoga in another room because just doing that can number one, break up the pattern. And number two, give you the time and space in order to really assess what you’re going to do when you return and it doesn’t have to be perfect and it doesn’t have to change everything, but you’ll find when you have those little gaps and those changes in the habit and routine that you’re so used to the leads to the same outcome, it gives you the time and space to manage that part of your day differently.”
- “How your actions affect your mind in the aftermath is going to determine your future habits and behaviors, which over time will determine the outcomes in your health. So it all starts in the mind and how you manage those, those difficult times, because difficult times aren’t going to go away.”