Ep #14 | How Hormones Work with Dr. Carrie Jones

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Dr. Carrie Jones is a naturopathic doctor and a medical director for Precision Analytical, which is the company that handles all the D.U.T.C.H hormone testing that is run for women in The Hormone Project and through my practice.
Listen to this episode to unwrap knowledge about the work of hormones in your body, stress connection, estrogen and androgen dominance and the impact on your thyroid. Take your time to absorb and digest this information, and if a lot of what is said today resonates with you, you should take a look at the Hormone Project starting in January.
Why are hormones so critical to our overall health?
Hormones are made in glands, they basically give the message to other glands in your body to do or not to do something, so when there is a overproduction or, on the contrary, not enough hormones, the symptoms start to show. It’s all about balance because hormones are literally the chemical messengers that tell your body what to do and help you feel better. There needs to be an appropriate amount of messages and they need to be received by the right gland!
“My test results are fine… but I don’t feel well.”
Usually lab test cover the basic aspects of your health, they go over functions and signals just to make sure you are not going to die. Short doctor’s consultations don’t help either! But you can ask for more, go deeper than a simple blood test! Ask for other lab tests and sometimes you even have to consider changing doctors.
How DUTCH Panel testing helps to describe what is going on in our bodies?
It is an easy to collect urine test where you get all the traditional hormone results, but also all the pathways that these hormones are travelling (which blood, saliva or stool lab tests don’t show).
The Estrogen Path
Your body makes estrogen and when this production is over, the estrogen needs to be broken down and sent to the other glands. In the first stage of this transit, estrogen can be directed into three different paths called: 2, 4 and 16. Number 2 is the healthy path, 4 can potentially increase your risk for cancer and 16 is called prolific. In the second stage your body has to neutralize the estrogen, this face is called the detox stage. These two phases need to be addressed differently
Estrogen Dominance
As a woman, your estrogen rises right before ovulation, and then it goes down for later rising back up again before the following ovulation. The second time it goes up, your progesterone needs to be high and healthy. But if you have low progesterone production, your estrogen will be unattended and run wild, which translates into heavy periods, tender breasts, mood changes…and it is called estrogen dominance (since progesterone is not enough).
Sleep, Sleep, Sleep
During REM sleep you dream and during deep sleep your body heals! Cortisol goes down, you lose weight, men produce more testosterone. Just sleeping makes you healthier!
Androgen Dominance
You can either make an excess of testosterone that stimulates androgen receptors, causing symptoms such as greasy skin, cystic acne, chin hair…or you can be making normal amounts of testosterone but going in an androgenic pathway, creating imbalance. To restore your hormonal balance, start by slowing down, insulin has to be kept low, lift weight, check your diet, have the right supplements, include more Zinc in your diet.
Check your Thyroid
Are you converting T4 to T3 well? Your TSH might look ok if your pituitary is fine, but you can have a thyroid problem, running a TSH, T3 and T4. T3 can be deactivated to reverse T3 (RT3). You have to investigate the whole pathway, dig deeper, ask the right questions!
I encourage you to invest your time and make the right choices to heal your hormones and restore their balance, hoping that this information has contributed to get you closer to your health goals. Wishing you more simplicity and ease in all that you do!
For a live experience with Jenn:
Please contact Nature’s Emporium Newmarket directly via info@naturesemporium.com or 905-898-1844 to register for the LIVE Simplicity Project course that begins January 23rd.
Online working with Jenn:
To register for my signature program The Hormone Project and work with me 1:1 to support your health, hormones and more, please visit HERE
The next round of The Hormone Project begins January 21st.
More About with Carrie
Dr. Carrie Jones is an internationally recognized speaker, consultant, and educator on the topic of women’s health and hormones. She graduated from the National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM), School of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon where she also completed her 2-year residency in women’s health, hormones and endocrinology. Later she graduated from Grand Canyon University’s Master of Public Health program with a goal of doing more international education. She was adjunct faculty for many years teaching gynecology and advanced endocrinology/fertility and has been the Medical Director for 2 large integrative clinics in Portland. She is the Medical Director for Precision Analytical Inc. creators of the DUTCH hormone test.
Learn more about Jenn’s work:
The Hormone Project
The Simplicity Project Shop for books, DVDs, programs and much more!
“What we are excreting is so powerful, it has a message about what is happening to our body.”
“DUTCH tests help you find the answers to the symptoms that otherwise in your blood test might come out as normal.”
“When sleeping habits are messed up, it is going to affect your reproductive rhythm.”
“There are so many systems in our bodies that depend on a proper amount of rest.”
“REM sleep if when you dream and deep sleep is when you heal.”
“Stop eating the food that causes an inflammatory response to your body.”
Additional Information About Jenn:
Jenn studied and graduated with honors in Human Anatomy and Physiology with such a passion that it propelled her to continue her education over many years. Jenn is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Medical Exercise Specialist, Registered Yoga Instructor and Faculty of the Toronto Yoga Conference, Pre & Post Natal Yoga Expert, STOTT Pilates trained instructor, Twist Sport Conditioning Coach, Spin Instructor Crossfit Level 1 Coaching, among other certifications she got along the way. She is also a guest Holistic Expert for Breakfast Television, Global, CHCH, Rogers Tv and writes columns for STRONG Fitness Magazine, iRun magazine, Savvy Mom and contributes to Inside Fitness Magazine, The Toronto Star and Sun. She is also a proud educator and ambassador to Genuine Health, Nature’s Emporium and Juice Plus.
Jenn is a proud mama to two beautiful souls and her best teachers of life. She resides on Lake Simcoe in Keswick with her husband and two children.