Simplicity Saturday – To Cleanse or Not to Cleanse

Fall is finally upon us! Fall is a time for reflection, a time to revise our goals and plans for the year, and set ourselves up for the coming season of holiday business. Season changes are said to be the best time for cleansing our bodies. Interested in a cleanse but not sure where to start? Start here!
What You Need to Know About Cleansing and Detoxing The Simplicity Way
How would you like to wake up every morning the first time your alarm clock goes off and easily sit tall, stretch your arms overhead and welcome a new day? When was the last time you had energy all day long without the need or use of multiple stimulants like coffee or sugar? How amazing would it feel to enjoy a meal and walk away without your pants feel snug and your stomach bloated?
To cleanse or not to cleanse?
You have all heard the saying “you are what you eat” and I use the saying “you are what you digest”; they may both sound cliché, but it’s true. Cleaning up your food sources and choices are single handedly the most important steps you can take for a healthier, more vital and energized body. Pure, clean, whole-foods that are free from chemicals and additives reduce the daily strain on your major detoxing and elimination organs such as your liver, kidneys, bowels, respiratory system and even the skin you live in.
When you reduce the amount of junk you are putting in your body, you create the opportunity to clean up, slough out and purge what’s no longer feeling good so that you can move towards feeling great!
So where do you begin? Well, just by reading this or my book The Simplicity Project you have already started. More often then not the cleanse we need the most is in the form of simply cleaning up what’s already around us and beginning to make better choices. Yet, so many people believe that the only way to detox or cleanse your body is through severe calorie restriction; deprivation, nasty tinctures, teas, fiber supplements and copious amounts of the master cleanse drink. Detoxing is actually happening in your body at all times, however, if you are eating unhealthy, drinking the wrong fluids, not exercising, have issues with your blood sugar, inflammation, digestion, bowels and immune system; there is NO WAY your body will be able to perform its daily detoxing tasks effectively or efficiently.
How well do you perform when you are overworked?
For me, I prefer to have clients think of creating a healthy body “re-set” as opposed to this idea that you are creating a massive detox in your system. Although I will be honest, in my business and for shear terms of simplicity in people understanding what I am referring to, I still use the terms “cleansing and detoxing” in the name of certain programs I lead and articles that I write.
However, I truly believe, you will get the most out of any type of program or system being referred to a cleanse or detox if you go into with the right mind-set and the right tools, resources and education in hand. To approach cleansing or detoxing with the primary goal of weight loss may not always be the best. Instead, take the time to enjoy the cleanse as a body re-set; to recalibrate your portions, your cravings, your hydration, your rest, your elimination and cleanse up your surroundings aka your fridge, pantry and secret chocolate locations.
Use this time to FEEL how amazing it is not to be bogged down by sugar, sodium, juice, pop, fatty processed foods, alcohol, caffeine, cigarettes or whatever else your not-so-healthy vice(s) may be.
It is also important to note that not everyone needs a cleanse for their system; especially a cleanse that last more then a few days to a week. Most clients I see and speak to require cleaning up and BUILDING UP their bodies and foundation first, far more then they do a traditional cleanse. What I mean by building up is that they need to first work on building their digestive ability, cutting the garbage out and adding to the strength and energy within their livers, kidneys, spleen and gallbladder before immediately assuming they need to purge every organ.
If you do choose to give your system a short rest there are some important things to know first.
You are going to eliminate synthetic chemicals and hormones, including pesticides and insecticides, you are going to increase the amount of fiber and healthy fats you are feeding your body and increase the amount of protective antioxidants you are ingesting helping to increase your immunity, your energy and your stamina.
You should also notice:
- Improved digestion
- Less bloating
- More regular bowels
- Increase in energy
- Better sleep
- Less joint pain and discomfort
- Better skin tone, clarity and a brightness to your eyes
- Less cravings
- Better management of your stress hormones cortisol and your blood sugar helping to regulate your insulin production and storage.
- Happier moods, fewer mood swings
- More manageable menstrual cycles
Obviously, the longer you cleanse for and the more NEW, healthy habits you begin to include in your life on a regular basis, the more outstanding the above results will be and you will feel!
Simple Detoxing In’s & Out’s
How do we eliminate?
The major routes of elimination in your body are your:
- Lungs
- Liver
- Bowels (via the stool)
- Skin
- Kidneys (via urine)
Why are these elimination pathways in trouble?
Your lungs may be overloaded with cigarette smoke, air-borne pollution and a general lack of fresh air and exercise. You liver may have to deal with a fatty diet, manmade chemicals, alcohol and a vast array of prescription and recreational drugs. Your bowels constipated and accumulated with waste instead of eliminating it. Your poor kidneys are often starved of water and unable to flush toxins out and your skin is deprived of fresh air, sunshine, exercise and regular exfoliation.
Stress, busy schedules, late nights and poor quality foods have exhausted you and your nervous system. A tired you is a toxic you.
The body generally heals from the inside out, the top down, from most recent to most distant symptoms and from the most important organs to the less important ones. From time to time; depending on your body and constitution you can feel a little off or blah during a cleanse and potential have some of the below:
Possible sign and symptoms of detoxification (healing crisis during a cleanse, usually very temporary)
- Headaches, body aches and pains
- Diarrhea, dark urine
- Skin eruptions and body odor
- Coated tongue
- Dizziness, weakness, fever
What is important to know is that more people FEEL AMAZING, than they do suffer or complain from any of the above!
Set your intentions on feeling fabulous, cleaning out and cleaning up and repeat to yourself ‘Better out then in’
When I work with clients one-on-one or in group settings, I usually set things up so that the focus is chosen ahead of time to be best prepared and give them the option of one of the following:
The Subtle 2-Day Simplicity Detox
The Deeper 5-Day Simplicity Detox
The 7-Days of Shifting Simplicity Detox
Why Should I Choose the 2-Day Plan?
This plan gives your liver, bowels, belly and kidneys a much-needed rest and allows these valuable organs to have two FULL days of house cleaning – restoring and rejuvenating you. This is also the perfect plan if you have just come off of a very stressful week at work or in life. Maybe you didn’t make the best food choices or sleep was poor and exercise non-existent? Or perhaps you choose this plan on a Monday/Tuesday after a VERY fun weekendJ
Whatever your reason or motivation, you should feel lighter, brighter and calmer at the end of your 48 hours of greater simplicity.
Going A Little Deeper with the 5-Day Plan…
The reason for going the extra 3 days is that you have already prepped and primed your body with two days of love and healthy, clean food respect so lets keep going! The additional few days will leave you feeling even better as now you will notice cravings starting to decrease and energy levels really picking up. You may also lose anywhere from 2-5 pounds of bloat, puffiness, inflammation and stress.
Committing To A Full 7-Days Of Treating Your Body Like A Goddess!
With your incredible newfound sense of lightness, happiness, balance and well being you are SOOO ready for a full week of body lovin!
Throughout a full week you will continue to reap the benefits of less inflammation, more vibrant and toned skin, better smelling breath, less gas, more motivation and desire to exercise and a fairly significant reduction in water retention and swelling as your lymphatic system gleefully squeezes whatever toxic burden is left within out and off the scale.
Because I have so many of you fabulous readers digging into this book at the moment there is no way to set up THE plan for you without getting to know you…Soooo just know this –The Meal plan in my book is a perfect place to begin; interchange healthy recipes from cookbooks, blogs etc into the meal plan based on what you need and when.
How Do You Prepare or Begin A Cleanse?
One of the most important things I hope you take away from this blog is this: do not eat like its your last supper the day or night before you are about to begin a cleanse or re-set. Depending on your current state of health and how much “cleaning” up is necessary, you will probably need at least a few weeks of regularly eating healthy, whole-foods before beginning.
Most programs or cleanses that I create and run involve freshly homemade or purchased cold-pressed juices through my favourite Canadian juicing company Juice Matters. I don’t do full “juice only” cleanses as a rule (although I do incorporate them for myself and “some” clients), rather I teach people how to incorporate these non-gmo, organic, synergistically balanced juices along with plant-based whole foods, raw nuts and seeds and healthy fats into their cleaning eating plan.
Now if you are already eating quite well and pretty hydrated; then 1-3 days of prep is probably all that is needed.
So it would flow something like this:
1-3 days of prep – reduce animal protein, cut dairy, sugar and increase water
2-5 days of cleansing or re-set – follow the plan to a T
How Do I Come Off A Cleansing Re-set Plan?
You don’t want to ‘reward’ yourself for doing such a great job on your detox with jumping back into fatty, fried, sugary and processed foods. Coming off of your cleanse properly is nearly as important as the cleanse it self. 1-3 days of rolling out the same way you rolled into your plan. Keep it simple. Fresh smoothies, fresh soups, fresh salads, raw fruit, veg or lightly steamed veg, raw nuts and seeds and plenty of water are great ways to work your way back into your regular routine bit by bit.
I hope this gave you some insight into how to go about cleansing your system. Make sure to really connect with yourself and investigate – what does your body need? Each body is different and everybody has their own challenges to overcome.
As always, if you have any questions feel free to post comments or contact me directly.
Have a fantastic day and cheers to good health!
Morning Time Liver Love
Makes one cup. If you want to make enough for two people, use a whole lemon.
- Juice of half a lemon
- a hint of raw honey or maple syrup
- sliced ginger (optional)
- a dash of cayenne pepper (optional)
- hot water
Bring water to a boil, and let it cool to a tolerable temperature. Sip it in the morning upon waking for a gentle liver detox, and pay attention to how it wakes up your digestive system, getting it ready for the day ahead.
What is my number ONE detoxification rule? Stay hydrated! Check out my article with Strong Fitness Magazine talking about this very subject.
Smoothies are a great way to add some clean living into your body. If you haven’t already, sign up for our mailing list and receive our free 21-day Simplicious Smoothie Challenge.