Simplicity Saturday – Take Back Your Triceps

Alright, this one applies to us all…that’s right, whether you wear a BRA or a BRO it is your responsibility to keep your tank top tri’s in phenomenal shape. That means not taking one of my more recent blogs about ‘healthy pancakes’ too literally and creating a “flapjack slapback” from excessive tri-fat hitting you back in the face as you wave hello to the spring and summer months:)
Healthy, good-looking and in-shape triceps come in all different sizes. You DO NOT have to be thin or skinny to have good-looking arms. You just need to arduously train the heck out of what you were given and firm/tone those suckers up!
- Bent Knee Pushups– On all fours move your knees slightly behind your hips, hands a little wider than shoulder width apart, abs in tight, bum lifted slightly. Inhale to bend the elbows as you lower your chest towards to the floor. Exhale as you contract your abs and press, chest leading forward and hips staying level to your start position. Repeat 10x-failure (as many as you can)
- Quarter Plank: In plank position, on hands and toes with your body off the floor in a straight line, making sure your hips are level with your head, bend your elbows and lower your body 1/4 of the way down. Press back up and repeat as many time as you can. If you need to or feel your back lower your knees and return to push ups just with a closer grip this time. Repeat until failure.
- Dips: Using either a chair against the wall, your stairs, couch etc. Place your hands behind you with fingers facing your bum. Sit your bum just atop our hands and then scouch forward until your bum grazes off the bench. Bend your elbows keeping them close, with shoulders down and then press and squeeze your triceps as you exhale and push back up. Repeat 10-12 times.
- All DONE…Great Job:)
Here is a great little circuit you can do in the gym with free weights and cables:
- Standing Cable Rope Triceps Pressdowns: stand with feet hip-width apart, knees soft, bum out chest out and abs in tight. Bend your elbows keeping them below your shoulders and exhale as you press straight down towards your thighs. Bend and return your arms to the starting position of your hands about nipple line and repeat. Perform this exercise with a weight challenging enough to fatigue out around 14-20 reps, for 2-4 sets.
- Lying Tricep Press: Lay on your back on a bench, mat, BOSU or ball press arms straight up above shoulders, bend your elbows lowering your dumbbells towards your ears. Keep your elbows stacked over your elbows and do not let your elbows bow out to the sides. Exhale as you press the weights straight up. Choose a weight heavy enough to do 14-20 reps, repeat 2-3 sets.
- Single-Arm Cable Pressdown: Peform with the same form as in your first cable press down just one arm at a time. Abs in tight and use strict form here, DO NOT swing and bend from side-side, stay still, bend and press. Repeat 20-25 times for your first 1-2 sets and then increase the weight until you can only perform one final set of 8-12 reps.
Repeat either of or a combination of these circuit 2-4 times twice weekly
You can DO IT…either one of these workouts should only take you anywhere from 3 minutes-20 minutes depending on if you do 1 set of each once or the full recommended amount of each. Do whatever you can manage…you will feel so good afterwards!