Simplicity Saturday – 5-min Homemade Cashew Milk

You wake up early Saturday morning and reach for your milk of choice to find that you have none on hand! You don’t have time to run out and grab any, so what is a girl to do? Join me in my kitchen and let me show you my Simplicity Saturday recipe for speedy Cashew Nutmilk. Find the recipe below:
Homemade Cashew Nut Milk
- 1 cup of cashews
- 5 cups of water
- 1 tsp of nutmeg
- 1 tsp of cinnamon
- 1 tbs of raw honey (optional)
- 2 pitted dates (optional)
Toss your cashews into your blender, and add water. Blend for 60-90 seconds. Add cinnamon and nutmeg. Add sweetener if desired. Blend for 30 seconds. Pour and enjoy!
Learn about recipes like this and MORE in my six-week course The Simplicity Project Online, which launches for the second round on April 12th. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE
Join me at The Toronto Yoga Show April 2nd & 3rd
I am teaching 2 classes at the #TorontoYogaShow this year, and I am pumped! What are my classes all about?
Saturday, April 2nd at 8:00 am to 10:00 am ~ The Metabolic Firestarter – If you truly want to kickstart your internal firestarter, listen up! You need to consider building and toning your muscles! Why? Because muscle burns about three times more calories than fat. The key is to fuel your body in a way that restores your vital systems and to add a combination of targeted strength training into your yoga practice. Not only will you be challenging your larger muscle groups such as your chest, back, shoulder and legs but also your smaller stabilizing, accessory muscles. Be prepared to sweat your way through this eye-opening workshop and practice.
Sunday, April 3 at 9:00 am to 11:00 am – Fusion Fire – (All Levels) Blending the best postures of both Yoga and Pilates infused with elements of strength and nutrition into a practice that will wake you up from head to toe. Learn proper sequencing and receive a 1-hour Fusion Fire Flow practice to take back to your classes and students and watch your class numbers sky-rocket.
Come down and pay me a visit, along with a great line up of yoga classes, vendors and good vibes. Learn more: