Introducing The Hubby Diet

While on the beach over Xmas he brought up the desire to lose weight beginning in January (hallelujah) I knew I had to wait until he was really ready to truly make a change. I developed a weight loss plan, amped it up in our kitchen and pumped out a ton of healing foods daily. I wanted him to truly feel the difference of what eating the right foods throughout the day (and less at night) felt like.
In 6 weeks, hubs dropped 4 % body fat, 12 pounds and gained a serious amount of energy. He made his reveal on The Marilyn Denis Show. We were so fortunate to receive many emails and messages with couples saying that they were also taking the challenge having gone through a similar situation in their marriage
This experience re-defined the way we eat as a family, how we prep our meals and gave us an opportunity to work together as a team. He had the opportunity to finally see how he had stuck to his old comfortable habits and how it was impacting his body. Our kids watched us work together with food and we saw many positive outcomes in the foods that they would try as a result of their Dad’s commitment
It wasn’t all gum drops and lollipops (dye-free of course)…there were some tense moments, some hurt feelings and flipping of the bird on numerous occasions, but we both learned a lot. I learned a lot about how he needed to be supported, he learned what action he needed to take for his own wellbeing.
What is The Hubby Diet? A 6-week plan to help hubs to lose fat, gain muscle and increase energy, by encouraging more frequent healthy eating throughout the day and less snacking at night. The plan is gluten free, cow’s dairy-free and includes nutrient-dense whole foods. It’s a partner-supported plan, where a team effort is needed for meal prep and daily encouragement. The plan emphasizes eating every 3-4 hours and it not being a “defined” breakfast, lunch and dinner, but more the fuel that makes your body feel good and keeps you satiated throughout the day. The menu plan includes many guy-friendly recipes like lasagna roll-ups, pizza, chicken fingers and wings, but done in an easy-to-digest way and by utilizing more nutrient-dense ingredients. The 6-weeks include a taste bud training where more bitter-greens are included and sweeter foods are reduced. It’s a food experience where working together for a common goal is shared through healthy food and physical activity.
- As partners sharing a life together, it is challenging when two people do not share the same philosophy on health and wellness. Weight gain, low energy, lack of motivation and opposing beliefs on what children should eat can literally eat at the marriage.
- Men gain an average of 30 pounds and women 24 pounds in the first 5 years of marriage.
- When men gain weight, often women see this as a sign that they don’t love them anymore and that they don’t care about their marriage.
- Despite this struggle, each person is on their own food journey, discovering themselves through their daily choices. You can’t force change, but you can nudge your partner in a positive direction by:
- Avoiding passive aggressive comments. Have a loving conversation about this conflict. Begin your sentences with “I feel or I am feeling, rather than “You are…
- Understand what his obstacles are (work, friends, extended family pressure) and help him to set realistic goals to support them.
- Respect his emotional connection to food or his feeling-based habitual food choices, and help him to see this pattern to begin shifting.
- Propose a specific time frame of dietary changes. Offer to do this with him. Even though this may be 6-weeks, the ultimate goal is making this a lifestyle change.
- Over the course of the 6-weeks, draw his attention to the shifting that is occurring. Keep a note-pad on the fridge or somewhere visible daily with these positive changes. Keep the motivation alive and celebrate even the smallest change.
- Make sure you have the right foods stocked and planned out.
“There’s a magical rhythm that can be achieved when you connect to what your body needs for vibrant living. The right whole foods (you are biochemically unique), the consistency of eating them (you have your own unique rhythm) and paying attention to how your body feels while doing (tuning into to this awareness) is life changing”
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