Change The Feeling Of Your Home With One Deep Breath

I was introduced to essential oils, many years ago by some colleagues of mine but never got into the habit of using them regularly. That was until three years ago when I was attending a women’s event. I had been in the venue for about an hour and was perusing the various vendors when I passed by this one table and wasn’t going to stop…until I took a breath in of the most incredible smells of my life!
I took a step back and noticed a diffuser misting something into the air; I asked the women what the heavenly scent was and she replied with, “peppermint and wild orange essential oils”. By the end of the night I had purchased a kit with over 30 oils and my own diffuser and have never looked back.
I now own five diffusers and over 50 oils.
There is not a day that goes by without using essential oils in our home. Everything from diffusing them into the rooms throughout our house, cleaning, calming down any physical or emotional issues that may be going on, supporting immunity and in our skincare.
When it comes to the rooms in your home, there are so many great reasons to begin swapping out products like aerosol chemical based air fresheners or plug-ins, scented candles or artificially scented waxes. The scent and room enhancers we use in our living space should not only create beautiful, clean or energizing environments but also one of health and vitality.
Our respiratory system is being taxed all day long by various internal and external environmental and lifestyle stimulants so how wonderful would it be to know that when you arrive home or spend time in your space with family and friends that their health and yours is actually improving?
Some of the simplest ways of bringing the incredible experience of essential oils into your life is by diffusing them. There are many different types of diffusers, which you can source from most health conscious stores and most are so pretty that they can easily be a welcome addition to your current home décor.
I have chosen three of the rooms we diffused the most often in and a couple of recipe inspirations for each. Your own diffuser will have instructions for proper use but the quantity of oils should not change. When you are looking to create just the right ambience in your home; look no further than essential oils and their glorious combinations!
Living Room ~ 2 drops of Lavender, Wild Orange and Ylang Ylang or 2 drops each Cardamom, Cinnamon and Wild Orange
Bedroom ~ Either 5 drops of the blend Serenity OR 2 drops each Lavender, Cedarwood and Roman Chamomile
Dining Room/Kitchen ~ For energy I love 2 drops each Peppermint and Lemon and for a more grounding effect I use 2 drops each Lemongrass and Grapefruit and to get my creative cooking juices flowing a I use 2 drops each Lavender and Rosemary
P.S: If you have some of the above mentioned oils but do not yet have a diffuser you can also put some into a spritzer bottle with water and spray throughout or put a few drops onto a few Kleenex and waft them through
Join me this Thursday April 28th at 7pm for a FREE WORKSHOP, all about essential oils, taking place at Vaughan Mills at Artemano. RSVP at rsvp@