Simplicity Saturday – Summer Skincare

The sun is a powerful force, and can do a lot of damage to your skin. It can get dry, red, flaky and itchy if you don’t take care of it. You will see all kinds of summer concoctions come out of the works – plenty of lotions and potions will come on sale that are advertised to be the saviour for your sunburn. I can tell you right now – it can be very simple! Below I’ve listed a few products that will help you care for your skin during the sunniest months of the year, to keep it naturally hydrated and supple.
Pure Aloe Gel:
100% aloe gel can be found at the health food store, and it is SO worth the investment. This plant-based gel that comes straight from the aloe plant will help to release heat from your skin and instantly cool a sunburn, while providing some much needed nutrients and hydration
Coconut Oil:
My goodness, is this really the answer to everything? In most cases, YES! Applying coconut oil after a long day in the sun will help to replenish your skins moisture level, with the added benefit of protection from the sun. Coconut oil is naturally SPF 5, which blocks 75% off UV radiation.
Witch Hazel (Alcohol-Free):
Alcohol free witch hazel is excellent for your face after a long day in the sunshine. It is cooling and astringent, without dehydrating your skin. It is a great toner to try after you have cleansed your face. Make sure you get the alcohol free version.
4 Natural Sunscreen Brands I love (and that work!):
• Goddess Garden http://www.
• Aubrey Organics: Aubrey-Organics
• New Co: http://www. sunscreen-spf15-la…
• Green Beaver: http://greenbeaver. com/our-products/sunscreens/
• Aubrey Organics:
• New Co: http://www.
• Green Beaver: http://greenbeaver.
Stay Hydrated:
In the spring and summer heat, it is even MORE important for you to stay hydrated, not only for the health of your digestion but also for the health of your skin! In these summer months you can get dehydrated pretty quickly. In order to keep your skin supple and happy, you need to drink 2-4 ltrs of water each day. The more activity you are doing, the more water you will require. Some other hydrating options:
- Coconut Water
- Infused Water (with frozen berries, lemon, lime, grapefruit, cucumber, mint)
- Cold-pressed Juices
- Smoothies