Simplicity Saturday – Skincare Do’s and Don’ts

How to Avoid Dreaded Razor Burn
It’s shaving season! I mean, not that us ladies don’t shave year round ;), but it’s definitely a priority now that it’s swim and sundress season. Nasty razor burn and unpleasant bumps can be avoided. Try a few of these simple tips for a cleaner, softer shave.
Invest in a sharp, top quality razor. Razor quality is huge – it has to be sharp enough to catch your hair after the first or second round. Always shave against the direction of hair growth. If you find you are going over the same spots again and again, it’s time to invest in a new razor or razor head. This one is by Schick, called the Hydro 5. It’s nice and sharp and it’s easily accessible, so it will be easy to find. Don’t be fooled by the packaging – razors work the same for men and women! Sometimes, razors advertised for men are of the sharpest quality.
Exfoliate! Your face isn’t the only part of your body that needs to be exfoliated. Your body is constantly replacing dead skin cells with fresh ones, and those dead cells need to be scrubbed off and removed. If you notice you have dry, flaky skin before you shave, try exfoliating before hand. This will make for a closer shave. Ingrown hairs are often caused by improper exfoliation before shaving. SO scrub, scrub, scrub! You can try a natural body scrub from Rooted Goddess, or better yet – incorporate dry brushing into your beauty routine.
Not only is dry brushing great for exfoliating dead cells, it also stimulates your lymphatic system. This gives your system a healthy wake up call, promotes circulation and helps to break up cellulite. Bonus!
Soften your skin and open your pores by wetting your skin with warm water or a steamy towel before you shave.
Don’t forget your shaving cream or lotion! We aren’t talking about your classic foamy, questionable cream that suspiciously smells like pineapple summer dreams. Here is a simple DIY shaving cream (complements of Hello Glo).
- 1/4 cup of aloe vera gel
- 1/4 cup of coconut oil
- 4-6 drops of essential oil of choice (grapefruit, wild orange, peppermint and lemon are all invigorating)
TIP: TWO of these ingredients double as after-sun care products, saving you money. Want to read about our summer sun care guide, including our top recommended sunscreens? Find this article on the BLOG
Try not to load up your bathroom shelf with lotions, creams and potions. Many commercial products are filled with toxic, or at least questionable ingredients. There are very few products that you actually need. We always try to guide you toward simple, natural skin care! If you ever have any questions, shoot them over on our Facebook page.
After shaving, always apply some skin food. If you have very dry skin, try a body butter from Rooted Goddess or Holistic Wellness, OR simply rub your legs with coconut oil.
It’s summer and your face could use some extra TLC. The Oil Cleansing Method is an absolutely favourite and it works for all skin types. It will leave your skin naturally soft, supple and clean – this is absolute skin food! It is also a fraction of the cost compared to other skin care products. Once you invest in the ingredients, you can make the same face oil over and over again – it will last you for months.
Simply put, the oil cleansing method is a mixture of castor oil, another softening oil (try jojoba or coconut) and an essential oil of choice. You massage your face with this simple oil mixture, and then take a steamy hot cloth to your face. Massage and wipe your face with the hot cloth until the oil is gone. It will pull all of the makeup and build up out of your pores. It also feels like a mini spa each night you use it. Read more about it here