Mindset Monday – The Five Minute Journal

I know how many of you wake on Monday SO EXCITED to start your day…NOT.
It’s time to be done with the Monday Blah’s, and take on a whole new mindset, starting TODAY. Monday Morning’s in the summer can feel extra BLAH, because you begin to think about all of the other fun stuff you could be doing, if only you were free from having to go to work or tend to your adult responsibilities. After all, it’s summer time and the weather is fine! That is WHY we created this series for you.
I want to inspire you to start to shift your mindset from a place of constant “go-go-go”, to a place of simplicity. This series was created for you to give you short snippets of inspiration (5 minutes or less) about how you can shift your mindset moving forward.
For Simplicity Saturday, I spoke about creating a simple shift in your morning routine – adding gratitude into your daily mindset. For the first episode of Mindset Monday’s, I want to share with you one of my favourite tools for making this happen – The Five Minute Journal.
The Five Minute Journal is your tool to ensure you focus on the good things in your life EVERY DAY. Broken up into a morning section and a night section, it only takes 5 minutes to fill out the daily structured questions that help you become more positive, live with purpose, and focus on personal growth.