FREE Masterclass with Jenn Pike + Eversio Wellness

Cyclical Living 101 - Tune into your divine feminine energy and tap into your body’s greatest super power health with Eversio Wellness and Jenn Pike


This Masterclass will help you understand the four phases your body moves through every month. We’ll explore what that means in your 20’s and 30’s, how it shifts in perimenopause and how your body is still cyclical even in Menopause.

There is no better time in your life than right now to go deeper in the understanding of your own body and hormones. The rhythms you experience as a woman, the ebbs and flows of productivity, your emotions, your desires, health, hormones, sleep, sex drive and so much more.

Inside this Masterclass I’m joining forces with Brandi Garden, co-founder of Eversio Wellness and Desiree Caruso, Naturopathic Physician where we will share more about how to Sync your nutrition and movement with your cycle and how Functional Mushrooms can help you amplify your results even further.


Regardless of the age of our bodies or the phase of life we are moving through, we are not designed to be in a constant season of growth, high intensity, accomplishment, productivity, and getting stuff done. 

This mode of always hustling through your life could be the very reason why you are feeling tired, worn out, with massive fatigue, digestive upset and a hormonal imbalance.  

Getting in tune with the rhythm of your body and respecting the 4 distinct phases that you cycle through each month is one of the first steps on the road to balancing your hormones. 

What we’ll dive into:

  • Myths when it comes to Cyclical Living
  • How to understand the super power that is your menstrual cycle 
  • How to create and plan your month based on your unique cyclical blueprint so you can be more efficient, productive and feel better results 
  • How Functional Mushrooms can help to amplify your energy, enhance your sleep, see better results from your workouts, protect your immunity and balance your hormones 
  • Connecting to the MOON cycle if you no longer have a period, have a very irregular period, or are pregnant.
  • Fully understand your hormonal fluctuations within each of the 4 VERY different phases you move through physically, mentally and emotionally.
  • How your circadian AND infradian rhythms influence your health
  • Simplicity tips and tools to build cyclical living into your life, now and forever

Every woman deserves to understand her body. 

The power and connection you will experience in your body and life with this knowledge will absolutely blow you away ladies.

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Meet The Eversio Team

Brandi Garden from Everiso Wellness

Brandi Garden is the co-founder of Eversio Wellness, a family owned and operated Canadian mushroom wellness company with a mission to change lives through fungi. The fungi kingdom found Brandi as she began to search for alternatives to a pharmaceutical she’d been prescribed for over a decade.

She started Eversio with her husband, Craig, and has become a passionate advocate for the daily use of high quality medicinal mushrooms as powerful preventative, complementary, and alternative medicines.

Desiree Caruso from Everiso Wellness

Desiree Caruso is a Naturopathic Physician and mushroom expert from Everiso Wellness.

She helped to develop the mushroom kits we’re talking about inside the Masterclass!

About Jenn Pike, FDN

Jenn Pike is a Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist, Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Medical Exercise Specialist.

She specializes in women’s health and hormones and is the creator of the revolutionary women's health courses; The Hormone Project and Synced.

Her programs are dedicated to teaching women what they should have known about their bodies all along; the incredible abilities, wisdom and power their bodies hold and how to bring them to life. As an inspired Wife and Mom of two, she understand that true wellbeing is a journey to be enjoyed not a struggle to be forced.