FREE Masterclass with Jenn Pike + Dr. Alison Danby, ND

The 5 Autoimmune Fundamentals + Creating A Plan For Healing (without strict diets or an avalanche of expensive supplements)


Inside this Masterclass, I’m joining forces with Dr. Alison Danby, ND.

Together, we will dive into the top factors that can impact your autoimmunity PLUS we’re sharing the 5 fundamentals that can propel your health forward.



Here are some of the things we’ll be diving into inside this Masterclass…

  • How Gut Health, Hormones, and the Nervous System can impact autoimmune conditions
  • The 5 fundamentals to reduce inflammation and regulate the immune response
  • A simpler approach to supplementation for autoimmune support
  • One key strategy that supports nourishing the body vs. restricting foods
  • The #1 thing you can do to reduce inflammation
  • We WILL NOT be going down the path of restrictive diets or piles of supplements. Instead, we’ll focus on the basics and the foundational elements of health and wellness
  • The simple yet powerful strategies that make all the difference with treating autoimmunity

It's time to unlock the secrets to sustainable wellness! This is going to be a jam-packed class, ladies; get your journal and pen ready!

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Meet Your Hosts

About Dr. Alison Danby, ND

Dr. Alison Danby is a Naturopathic Doctor and Functional Medicine Practitioner who has focused on immune function and autoimmune conditions for the last 15 years. She is on a mission to change the paradigm of how we medically treat autoimmune diseases.

After working to put her own autoimmune conditions into remission, she realized that there is so much more we can do for our clients to support them through this journey.

Alison currently works as our Team ND at the Wellness Clinic.

About Jenn Pike, FDN

Jenn Pike is a Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist, Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Medical Exercise Specialist.

She specializes in women’s health and hormones and is the creator of the revolutionary women's health courses; The Hormone Project and Synced.

Her programs are dedicated to teaching women what they should have known about their bodies all along; the incredible abilities, wisdom and power their bodies hold and how to bring them to life. As an inspired Wife and Mom of two, she understand that true wellbeing is a journey to be enjoyed not a struggle to be forced.