What is the #1 nutrient to help detoxify your body, that is required by every living cell? Water of course! This has been one of the hottest summers on record. I cant stress it enough – STAY HYDRATED! Check out my spot on CHCH Morning Live, talking about the importance of hydration. Check it out!

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Drink 2-4 liters of water per day. If you have a higher level of activity, outside in the warm summer days, you need to drink closer to the 4 liter mark. If you are a commuter, you need to have some extra water in your car in order to stay hydrated.

What are some signs and symptoms of hydration?

  1. Thirst. This is the first symptom of dehydration. This is the easiest one to spot.
  2. Sluggishness. Feeling mentally drained or as though you need to take a nap to get through the rest of the day.
  3. Hunger. Sometimes when you feel hungry, your system is just searching for a way to get some hydration. Drink a glass of water first and then examine if you are still hungry.

What are some other sources of hydration?

Cold Pressed Juice – Juice Matters is a great company that uses a pressure technique to juice their produce.  These are a bit more filling and contain some added nutrients. This is a great choice for kids on the road or during a soccer game, because it fills them up and keeps their electrolytes up, so they can last longer instead of crashing hard and becoming difficult to deal with.

Infused Water – adding frozen berries into your water, or a combination of lemon, cucumber, lime and watermelon are all fun ways to get more water into your system. The added benefits are more antioxidants becoming infused into the water, with water soluble vitamins like Vitamin C and Vitamin B-complex.