I have been given the gift of being able to practice my passions in life, in my everyday and I never take this for granted. I am in love with what I do for a living and I have a genuine care for those I am fortunate enough to meet and teach in my daily life. I have put a lot into my business, into my life, all of which I am extremely proud of. Is it hard? Has it been a challenge? Have I been tested, pulled and questioned myself? Ummmm yes, yes, and heck yes!

Here’s what I have learned; creating more time for movement is not about mastering a pose, a sweaty class, chanting, saying OM or bowing your head to repeat Namaste. Moving your body is about creating a new language and a new relationship with your body. This language fills your movements with intention, and fills your breath with life. This new relationship is one of communication; too often we are so concerned with how we communicate with others but how much time do we put into cultivating the relationship we have within ourselves?

Being on this journey towards creating simplicity, both for my clients and myself, has provided me with a space to realize that the day you start to truly take care of the person looking back at you in the mirror, is the day the you will begin to fully start taking care of those around you. You have to be happy with your inner self before you can begin to see the results shining back at you.

I say nearly everyday to my clients – and believe me there are even days when I have to say it to myself…”The hardest part is simply showing up'” anything else you create beyond there is a bonus!

What are you waiting to create today?