It is a classic Sunday conversation piece; ‘That’s it! I feel so gross and bloated from the way we’ve been eating and drinking lately I am changing…starting tomorrow on Monday morning!’

Sure you are. I know you, I see you every Monday whether it’s in person, on Facebook, Tweeting, Texting, Linked In etc and I hear you complaining that you just couldn’t do it today. You didn’t have the right groceries, you forgot your lunch, it was so and so’s birthday at work and you just ‘had’ to have a piece of cake because you didn’t want to be rude (although you don’t mind being rude to your ass!), then you were so tired in the afternoon and can’t figure out why (hmmm…remember the guilted piece of cake?) that you grabbed an extra-large coffee and muffin (way healthier than a doughnut – yeah right) and now you have no idea what to make dinner so as a ‘treat’ (PS. treats are occasionally not 4 times per week) you will get your ‘husband or the kids’ some KFC, McDonald’s or order pizza (code for –  if I buy it for other people then it’s not as bad as getting it just for me) you chew on this and then need just a little something sweet to top it off – hello ice cream, cookies, chocolate or whatever you can find in the house. Now you are exhausted, bloated, gassy,  thirsty and super-freakin cranky. Happy Monday to a New You!!!

Sound about right?

Stay tuned tomorrow for my Top 5 ways of making everyday a ‘Monday’ full of good choices

Peace out foodies Jenn xo