Its no secret to you all how much I value the importance of regular movement and exercise, however I, much like all other human beings walking around need to be accountable to more than just myself. If I only relied on my own inner ability, energy, motivation and drive…well I would only be about half as effective with my follow through and outcome.

Over the last couple of years I have down a couple of beginner triathlon’s and really enjoyed, BUT this past year not only did I not compete in any races I didn’t even train! My bike didn’t see the pavement once the entire summer…depressing:( I was so busy with kids, teaching at the studio and life in general I couldn’t even contemplate it happening. I used many excuses to make myself feel better about it, “I work out for a living, its fine”, “I don’t have the time”, “who will look after the kids” blah, blah, blah…truth was I just didn’t want to ‘start over’.

Fast forward to a few weeks ago, I emailed Laura and said “ok, every Wednesday I will be meeting you at the pool at 9am – DONE!”

Today was our first day. We showed up and the friggin pool was CLOSED for a swim meet…what?????

Immediately I was like no way, uh-uh, I did not just wrestle my two kids out of the house and jam myself into a too-small-full-piece ugly bath suit for nothing, I am swimming today!!! So instead of giving in, we high-tailed our asses over to the other town pool across town. Yeah us, it felt incredible to a) make the decision to find another way for this happen b) not drown after my first couple hundred meters and c) remember the amazing way that type of training makes me FEEL.

That was it, it had been so long that I forgot the feeling I was missing out while I was complaining and fretting over the small details. I am so grateful to have a good friend that will be there, that I cannot just not show up to, one that is waiting for me and needs me to hold her accountable too.

Get a buddy, a good buddy that is slightly more motivated then you on some days, you can’t choose someone who will be more excited than you when things don’t work out. – this buddy-system of accountability will work and manifest.  You will see yourself setting goals and not only meet them but exceed them with grace because of the post-movement buzz.

That fabulous feeling of breathing, being and doing for yourself will last you all day long if you let it!

Now go ahead and hop onto Facebook for something useful today – find a ‘accountability buddy’

Good Luck!