Between writing my new book, which will initially be self-published and offered as an e-book, and working long hours as a studio owner and trying to maintain my cool as wife and Mom, I feel as though my hormones could sing a song of heresy if I let them:)

As I research and write for my book and teach you all there is to know about your hormones and why their balance is so integral to yours; I find myself in a warp of seeing myself in every scenario; this tells me its time to hit the pillow after sharing this blog with you.

So why is there so much hype, so many books and blogs about your hormones lately?

Well, I often compare our endocrine system (the proper term for your hormonal system) to an orchestra. If you have ever seen one, its amazing to watch as the conductor stands at the front of the dozens of individual instruments being played, the harmony in which they perform and how flawless it all appears. Well, imagine if the conductor, much like your Pituary gland – often referred to as the ‘Master’ gland, stepped away from the front and stopped leading. One by one, the musicians would begin to lose their way, sound out of tune and off-key, some of them after a while would begin to stop playing all together. The outcome of this is that the show would sound like crap and nothing would be happening as it should.

This is exactly what happens with your endocrine (hormonal) system when a imbalance occurs. This is also the reason why there is no such things as a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach in terms of losing weight, exercising OR balancing out your hormones. You cannot isolate one area at a time. in order to achieve optimal, effective balance in your body you need to address the WHOLE endocrine system.

This is my goal with my book; empower you with equal parts of information, strategies and an effective jumping off point so that you don’t have to struggle anymore. My book is not specifically about hormone re-balancing, it is about WHOLE BODY, WHOLE LIFE, WHOLE PERSON re-balancing.

I want to teach you that by changing how you shop, how you cook, how you combine your food can help you lose weight and feel better. That by shifting from the way you are training your body now and how you are exercising to where you can be and what your body is truly craving can and will get you to reach and achieve your goals faster and give you the ability to hold onto your results longer. That by tossing the junk in your WHOLE home; from what you eat to what you clean with, bathe with, beautify yourself and supplement yourself with you can and will create a full HUMAN shift in your current way of life.

You are going to feel amazing, you are going to look amazing but most importantly you are going to have the knowledge and confidence to make better choices moving forward forever.

“When we know better we do better, when we do better we are better”

Sweet dreams

Jenn xoxo