Who knew drinking a grain could be so good?

As a health conscious person I made the decision about eight years ago to stop drinking cow’s milk and switch to RICE and ALMOND milk and have never felt better. But with so many different brands, types and flavors on the market which one should you choose? I have tried them all and compared them both taste-wise and nutritionally and believe I have found a winner…Ryza by Earth’s Own.

It is a light and refreshing non-dairy beverage that delivers the most natural source of beneficial nutrients because its made with 100% unprocessed whole grain brown rice, which is not milled or polished, allowing all the natural vitamins and minerals to be retained. It is rich in Calcium, Vitamins A & D and B12. Ryza is lactose and gluten-free, naturally rich in fibre, and had no added sugar or oil, making it simply the best choice for many speciality diets. Especially wonderful for infants/children with dairy sensitivities, eczema, colic or other digestive issues. For further info on how to make your own infant formula please click on children’s nutrition.

Made form whole grain brown rice, it is the first non-dairy beverage the qualifies fo the Whole Grain Council Seal of Approval, and provides 16g of Whole Grains per serving. Enjoy Ryza in a smoothie, over cereal or oatmeal and even in your baking!

For additional inofrmation on the benefits of Almond milk please read my blog post on www.fosterchiropractic.com and click on FFC BLOG