I absolutely love this time of year; just coming off spending lots of time with family and friends and having a little bit of down time before gearing up for a great new year ahead. I have so much gratitude to 2016; for all of the incredible moments I have had with my husband, children and family, the massive joy I have had from new career endeavours and the successes have been so amazing. I can’t wait to continue the flow into 2017.

I, much like many of you, LOVE to create, envision and goal set for upcoming journeys and adventures but at times can feel overwhelmed at how much I dream up. I don’t set generic “New Years Resolutions”, at least not in their classic sense. I create goals or up-level existing goals all throughout the year, not just in January. This just happens to be a great time to start! A few years ago I came up with a way to break down my goals to help me keep track of them and to get specific about what I want. If you’re new to journalling, this is a good place to start.

 A few categories to think about:

  • Family & Friends
  • Financial Goals
  • Health & Vitality
  • Career
  • Self-Centering 
  • Where to travel

From here write down 2-3 goals or dreams you have for each that you would either like to create new or continue to work on. Then write down 1-2 actions to take this month to begin the process. I also set a date and post it in my kitchen so that I have something to be accountable to and remind me daily of my desires.

For Example:

Family & Friends

1. Have a monthly date night with my husband – no kiddies

2. Connect with our families on a monthly basis

3. Book at least one friends get together each month


1. Book babysitter for 1 night per month for date with Chris for January -March

2. Book Family Skating party

3. Invite friends  and their kids for skating and hot chocolate…non-diary of course:)

No matter what your goals are you must have a few things set in place before you can get to the action and succeed phase: You need to know WHY you want to achieve the goals you have set out. If there is no emotion or charge behind it, you simply won’t achieve your goal…period!

You need to look at all aspects of how you are going to get things done.

Ask yourself a few questions:

  • What obstacles might get in your way?
  • What do you have to schedule, purchase or get rid of?
  • Who is going to be part of your ‘tribe’ or accountability group that will hold you to your goals, help to keep you focused and on track and mentor you along the way.

Whether its right now, tonight or tomorrow, try to sit down with a piece of paper and pen and determine your categories, your goals and your strategies of how to make it happen. Have fun with this, you get one life, live it well, make it juicy and dream BIG!

Wishing you all the happiest of New Years and see you all in 2017!

– Jenn xo