Breaking News!!! Fat will not make you fat!

Say what? Tis true my friends, IF you consume the right types, quantities and balance of fats they will only work for you not against you. We all need a Fat Facts 101 lesson to pull us out the fat-fearing fat-free craze that has riddled us for decades. Ever since we started eliminating fats we have increased our processed starchy carb intake, increased our chemical and artificial sweetener intake and chosen fake food like margarine, PAM and ‘I can’t believe it’s not butter’, whose name should really be, ‘I can’t believe you never expire and never grow fur! That’s is unbelievable. Wow! You must be so healthy for me.

Consumption of the foods listed above aren’t the only things that have increased…your weight, your pant size, bra size or perhaps your bro size for the men reading this have all this have all grown too.

 In order to achieve your ideal body weight, have energy, shiny hair, glowing skin, healthy cells, fingers nails and regular bowels; you need healthy fats.

There are a few different types of fat out there, what I need you to focus on is increasing your healthy Essential Fatty Acids>

Your EFA’s are going to help your body by:

Helping the absorption and transporting of nutrients in your body

Reduce inflammation throughout your body

Increase your metabolism

Increase your immune system

Help with hormone production and balance

Lubricates your joints

Moisturizes your skin from the inside out helping to banish eczema and psoriasis

Supports proper nervous system functioning and keeps the brain healthy

 Great Sources of Your EFA’s are:

Sardines, Wild Salmon, Flaxseeds, Raw nuts and seeds such as walnuts, almonds, pecans, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, chia, hemp, salba and avocados. Even your dark leafy greens provide an excellent source as well as many of your ancient and whole grains.

Change Up Your Oils

One of the easiest ways to liven up the taste of your food and make it healthier too is by adding some good quality organic, cold-pressed oils to your world!

Extra Virgin Olive Olive, Hemp oil, Flax oil, Avocado oil, Macadamia Nut coconut oil, walnut oil, sesame oil and Udo’s oil ( a blend of healthy oils) are fabulous additions to your kitchen. These are great for making salad dressings with or drizzling over your prepared vegetable dishes. Never cook with these as they are very heat-sensitive. For cooking at low heats you can use olive oil; for higher heats choose grapeseed, coconut and sesame oil.

To decrease your overall oil use try water sautéing or steaming your veggies first and then drizzle with oil afterwards.

Be sure to buy oils packed in dark bottles and store them in dark, cool places as they can oxidize and go rancid quickly if there in in the sunlight and exposed to direct heat.

 The Nasty’s & The ‘Oh No You didn’t’!

High fat cuts of red meat

Ribs, bacon, pork and ham

Homogenized milk

Commercially-baked pastries, cookies, doughnuts, muffins, cakes,

Packaged snack foods (crackers, microwave popcorn, chips)

Stick or tub margarine

Vegetable shortening

Fried foods (French fries, fried chicken, chicken nuggets, breaded fish)

Chocolate bars and deserts

 When it comes to eating unhealthy saturated and trans fats there is one thing you need to remember before you lips hit the food and your teeth begin to chew.

Eating Hydrogenated Trans Fats =

Having a Bum That Resembles a Golf Ball

 Aka cellulite and dimple central!

Not what we are trying to achieve here! For some of you, you may never be able to fully banish the bumpy appearance on your thighs and bum BUT you can always improve from where you are now. Its four parts: 1) what you are eating 2) how you are moving 3) how you are sleeping and managing stress and 4) what you are supplementing with.

Once you have had the opportunity to purchase and read my new book ‘The Simplicity Project’ you will be able to refer to your

Simplicity Project ‘On My Way To Feeling Awesome’ Checklist often as a reminder of the daily and life-long tips and steps you be taking and making in your quest to Simply live your best life.

Sleep well xo