There are few things in this life that we have absolute control over; the food we put into our bodies, how we react, and the things and people we surround ourselves with, are the things that immediately come to my mind. For this Mindset Monday, I am talking about a different kind of detox.

If you look around your home and you feel a case of the blah’s, it might be time for a detox for your home. If you look around and see decor that is outdated, paintings you hate, or a collection of ‘stuff’ that is taking up space, it’s time for a purge! Make a stock pile of all the things in your home or office that are simply taking up space and haul them out. You can donate or sell them, you can repurpose them or simply recycle them. We don’t have to wait for ‘Spring Cleaning’ to begin to detox our home, you can start now!

If these extra items in your home are weighing on you, they are simply taking up energy and you need all the energy you can get to kick-ass in your week ahead. So take some time and get rid of the things that are simply weighing you down. Create more space for simplicity and ease, and you will be surprised at how much freer you feel.