It is by far one of the biggest issues I see in my female clients, (and men suffer too but I see more women in my practice) and most times these women have absolutely NO idea what is wrong with them other than they feel like absolute garbage and that something is definitely off!

Take a quick run through this little Q&A below, and see how many yes and no’s you check off.

  • I have food cravings for sweets or starches, especially in the afternoon or evening.
  • I have food cravings for salty snacks.
  • I have trouble concentrating on my work during the day.
  • I have short-term memory loss.
  • I am experiencing a reduced sex drive.
  • I am feeling increasingly irritable and becoming shorter tempered with co-workers and family members.
  • I feel increasingly anxious and worried.
  • My waistline is getting bigger.
  • I don’t laugh as much as I did, or don’t seem to have my same sense of humor.
  • I have a noticeable drop in my energy at midday.
  • I need to use caffeine to stay energized throughout the day.
  • I have trouble falling asleep at night because I can’t stop the constant thoughts in my mind.
  • I fall asleep, but wake up throughout the night and have trouble getting back to sleep
  • I wake up and raid the refrigerator at night.
  • My food doesn’t seem to be digesting well.
  • I catch colds and flu easily.
  • I notice my heart racing or beating irregularly.
  • I am always rushing from one event to another.
  • I feel over committed, or find it hard to meet my commitments.
  • I have a strong drive followed by exhaustion.

If you answered yes to any of these questions, stress is affecting you. If you answered yes to many of them, consider it a wake-up call and an opportunity to create a SHIFT from where you are to where you WANT TO BE!

I can help you and would love to share some of my best tips for greater balance and bliss in your life, so please join me…


This night is filled with content galore and the chance to WIN a FREE spot in my biggest program launch ever on Monday April 21st.

There will be a LIVE WORLDWIDE 60 Minute Q&A with me on Spreecast the first week on April so stay tuned for more details and to make sure you don’t miss out on anything visit and click on our ‘OPT IN’ for our newsletter and updates. And YES , you will be able to participate in this program with me from anywhere in the world!!!

Jenn xo

To sign up for my March 27th in person  event at Nature’s Emporium please call 905-898-1844 or email to secure your spot!